Darius11 12 #1 February 5, 2004 The people who know me on here know that I don’t bitch or pick fights. This post is in regards to the post Some things I learned in Iraq. #1 is that god does exists and he is not a Muslim I am not saying god is a Muslim but I know enough to know I don’t know who he/she/it is. Maybe I am over reacting but it seems you can say any thing you want as long as it is about Muslims. I really would like to have seen what every ones reaction would have been if he would have said god is not Jewish or Christian. I hate hypocrisy. The post alone is not what is disturbing to me. The fact that no one else noticed it is. Just my .02I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deuce 1 #2 February 5, 2004 Chill out. It's almost as much fun being Catholic. I don't know, even here there's no rules about posting about suicide bombers, but pedophelia is out, and that's the current "fun" response people have to my faith when it comes up. Christianity is not tolerated well in the Muslim world, and faith at all is not tolerated well in the US. Toughen up. That is what faith is all about. Faith does not depend on the opinions of others, or the presence or lack of objective facts. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflir29 0 #3 February 5, 2004 QuoteThe fact that no one else noticed it is. Oh....I noticed it. QuoteI hate hypocrisy. I dislike organized religion. So THERE. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crapflinger2000 1 #4 February 5, 2004 I noticed and it kinda bugged me a little bit, but I don't believe in god anyway, so WTF. Didn't think it worth stirring up a fuss about, especially concerning the rest of the things listed. The dude is over there busting his ass in our name, and I think he of all people is entitled to his opinion. Not like he is posting in the name of the US Army. __________________________________________________ What would Vic Mackey do? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blahr 0 #5 February 5, 2004 I also noticed. Religeon derives from God, not the other way around. God isnt a member of any religeon at all. He is God. Its correct, God is not a Muslim. Neither is he Christian, Buddhist, Taoist, Jewish, or any other organized religeon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelel01 1 #6 February 5, 2004 Ok, I'll respond, but I'm sure I won't have anything useful to say. I CHOSE not to respond to jkm2500's statement. I could have said something, but I didn't want to get involved. Too late now. It was a shitty thing to say, knowing that people of all nationalities, religions, etc., log on to this website. But his perception is skewed due to his circumstances at the moment. There are members of the nation of Islam, and there are Islamic extremists, just like there are Southern Baptists, and there are KKK members. They are not necessarily one and the same. Each religion, nationality, race, etc., has its good and bad. Actually, they all have their good and EVIL. That's just a fact of life. But he is over there in the midst of some real shit. Germans still get referred to as Nazis on a semi-regular basis, even though the Holocaust was some 50 years ago, and they were under the control of a tyrant. The statment was prejudiced, plain and simple, but it was impacted greatly by his surroundings. I'm not saying it was right, but if all Christians in America were launching mortar attacks on you in the name of God (and there have been many lives taken in the name of God), you might be more than a little unhappy with that. Just my .02 rebuttal. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nightingale 0 #7 February 5, 2004 I saw it. I didn't like it either. I didn't want to be the one to make the fuss, and I am very glad someone else had the courage to do what I didn't. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
downwardspiral 0 #8 February 5, 2004 I noticed and I'm neither muslim nor christian so allow me to play devil's advocate. I am assuming you are muslim. would you have spoken up if the table had been turned?www.FourWheelerHB.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tunaplanet 0 #9 February 5, 2004 Don't sweat it, Darius. It's just one more example of people's ignorance on these boards. Why anyone would want to boast about their political and religious beliefs on a message board is beyond me. 99% of the garbage posted on this site is just designed to get people pissed and in an uproar. Pretty silly and immature. Forty-two Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darius11 12 #10 February 5, 2004 Every one is entitled to an opinion your right. This post was mine. If any one has read any of my posts before they know that even if I hate war I have nothing but respect for a soldier. Like I said in my post I just wonder if people would have let it slide if it was about there religion, or if it said people with no religion or who don't believe in God are going to hell. I just feel every one should get the same respect. That is one of the main reasons I love the people on here. In the end most seem fair.I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shark 0 #11 February 5, 2004 QuoteThe post alone is not what is disturbing to me. The fact that no one else noticed it is. Everyone read/noticed it, but few were going to bitch about it and turn it into a religious thread. If you haven't figured out by now, dzdotcommers are very opinionated. Your post, in itself is something to bitch about. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bkdice 0 #12 February 5, 2004 i can see why this would bother you, but he did say: Quote24. Opinions are just that. If you don’t like mine that is your right, but that doesn’t make me wrong. opinions really are just that. i have my own opinions about religion, but i don't care to share them on the forum. however, some people would not agree and thats just how it is. i think you should try not to let his opinion upset you. you each have your own beliefs and thats that. letting it get to you won't do any good. just my $.02. edited to add: i mean no disrespect to your opinions or feelings Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FunBobby 0 #13 February 5, 2004 And oh, by the way, how about keeping responses to or comments about a post in the original thread instead of starting a new thread? There's my 2 cents worth. B Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CornishChris 5 #14 February 5, 2004 My .02 - Never discuss religion or politics with family & friends. CJP Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tunaplanet 0 #15 February 5, 2004 Quote i have my own opinions about religion, but i don't care to share them on the forum. This may be the most intelligent statement ever posted in the history of this website. Forty-two Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
benny 0 #16 February 5, 2004 Hey man, just wanted you to know that I too was offended by that post (not because it offended me personally) but I didn't feel it would do any good to say anything about it. But anyway, sorry that got to you, a moderator should take something like that down IMO but hey, whatchya gonna do? Never go to a DZ strip show. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelel01 1 #17 February 5, 2004 QuoteAnd oh, by the way, how about keeping responses to or comments about a post in the original thread instead of starting a new thread? I don't think it would make much of an impact that way-- no one would even read it. How about if you don't try to start fights? Kelly Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darius11 12 #18 February 5, 2004 Yes I would if no one else would say anything I would. Maybe hard to believe but I like putting my self in the other persons place. Same reason I did not attack the poster. I know he is in harms way and the people trying to harm him right now are Muslims. Like I said it was sad for me too see no one else saying any thing. Just seeing that other people felt the same way makes me feel better.I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tunaplanet 0 #19 February 5, 2004 QuoteHow about if you don't try to start fights? Wow, another brilliant comment. Too bad the vast majority of the dz.commers are too childish to follow this great advice. They would rather sit at their computer and think of topics to get a rise out of people. You know, the typical religeon, politics, gun laws etc... threads. Think about how quickly these garbage threads would go away and how fast the dolts would stop posting them if we just ignored them. And when I refer to "garbage threads" I am not referring to Darius'. Darius is one of the more intelligent and mature posters here. Forty-two Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnRich 4 #20 February 5, 2004 Quote#1 is that god does exists and he is not a Muslim I am not saying god is a Muslim but I know enough to know I don’t know who he/she/it is. Maybe I am over reacting but it seems you can say any thing you want as long as it is about Muslims. He's a soldier in harm's way, suffering a lot of inconveniences and danger to help make us safe, and to improve the lot of the Iraqi people. A lot of those Muslim people amongst whom he lives would like to kill him, as well as all of his fellow soldiers. So I can see why he has that opinion. And he's certainly earned the right to state his opinions on that matter - more so than the rest of us who haven't been to Iraq. And part of what he's fighting for over there is so the Iraqi's will have freedom of speech, just like us. You don't have to like his opinion, but he's certainly entitled to say it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wmw999 2,476 #21 February 5, 2004 Quotekeeping responses to or comments about a post in the original thread Actually, he did comment in the original thread also. This is starting a new thread, about whom it's OK to bash, using that as the starting point. Just as someone else started a thread about who it's OK to make fun of, based on the "get me some dirt on phreezone" thread. Wendy W.There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shark 0 #22 February 5, 2004 Did anyone notice that he misses his family? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnRich 4 #23 February 5, 2004 QuoteYou know, the typical religeon, politics, gun laws etc... threads. Think about how quickly these garbage threads would go away and how fast the dolts would stop posting them if we just ignored them. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and so is "garbage". Just because you don't want to participate in those particular discussions, does not make them "garbage", nor does it make the participants "dolts". I have certain other types of threads that I don't care for, different from yours, but I don't call them "garbage" and call the people there "dolts". To each his own. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FunBobby 0 #24 February 5, 2004 Okaaaay, Roger that. Didn't see the original response. B Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yardhippie 0 #25 February 5, 2004 QuoteQuoteHow about if you don't try to start fights? Wow, another brilliant comment. Too bad the vast majority of the dz.commers are too childish to follow this great advice. They would rather sit at their computer and think of topics to get a rise out of people. You know, the typical religeon, politics, gun laws etc... threads. Think about how quickly these garbage threads would go away and how fast the dolts would stop posting them if we just ignored them. ahhh... so true. Because for so many of us it like moths to a flame. I typically avoind those threads, mainly b/c of the mudslinging. I enjoy a heated civilized discussion, it makes your brain work. But often times too many, here, it results in petty bickering. In addressing the issue at hand. Its seems sad (to me) that someone would feel that way, but being the land of the free we are: so everyone is entitled to their opinion. I for one comply w/ no organized religion. I have taken many different ideals from a few to heart. Mainly Buddism, Christianity, and Taoism. It works for me anyway. To each their own. Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD "What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me "Anything you want." ~ female skydiver Mohoso Rodriguez #865 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites