
Where do you live?

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North America, specifically, the United States, (and damned proud of it!) State of Georgia, City of Atlanta, in the surburbs of. Mailing address, a small town called Ellenwood.
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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So, my husband, AndyMan needs to preview his posts before he posts them. I DID NOT MAKE THE POST!!!

He was logged on under my screen name, so chide him, not me. :P

"Scared of love, love and aeroplanes...falling out, I said takes no brains." -- Andy Partridge (XTC)

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So is Minnesota a cold northern Place or North America

Yah....SHURE... you betcha....
Hey look the BlueEyedMonsterdude is back..you must have for a "friend";)

Na... Just been working my ass off getting my projects ready. Now they are ready... And postponed. So I FINALLY have time to play... and finish my jumpsuit... and the new rig was ordered last week. Time to play and spend the OT $$$ :D

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Someplace you left out, asshat. (Specify)

I am from Mars and I come out at night
And you try to run but I got a gun
And I shoots you dead and I eat your head
And then you're in the man from Mars
You go out at night, eatin' cars
You eat Cadillacs, Lincolns too
Mercurys and Subarus
And you don't stop, you keep on eatin' cars
Then, when there's no more cars
You go out at night and eat up bars where the people meet . . .

Yep I am from Mars. This is one helluva single you earthlings send.

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Canada is in North America - its the continent its on.

Finland may or may not be in Europe - it depends on the definition you use.

Geographically Europe is everything West of the Ural mountains in Russia (Yes its in Europe). Politically (the EU) it is a select group of countries who have signed up (No its not in Europe).

(Just being a smart ass)


Oh... Could you specify when Finland is not part of Europe?

Do you consider UK to be a part of Europe?

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your not wrong. My Bad - I was thinking of your next door neighbour Norway. My Bad.

That and the fact that Finland is not in the EEC.


An old term - does not "exist" anymore (since the Maastricht treaty, 1993). Try EU and EMU, Finland is part of both - UK is not (EMU). :P

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You were not a Geography major in school were you

Nope, I studied punctuation. :P

Seriously, the idea was not to be geographically correct, but rather to look at regions. Besides, it is my poll, and I will set it up as I want to. Feel free to tick the last box if you like, that is what it is there for. To keep the wise asses happy ;).


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romania (eastern europe)
the shitiest country from europe
actualy not the country...

I hail from Pennsylvania (North America, last time I checked), but am in Serbia at present.

I'm 12 km from Romania right now, and have bicycled there (once) just to do it.

The difference between the Serbs and Romanians (particularly the Gypsies) is nontrivial.

I could do with a Wegmans or Shop Rite or something about now.

Blue skies,


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