
What would you do for true love?

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When I was young I learned something that I really have never been able to disprove, and so it is my interpretation of true love. Love is a comittment There are a lot of manifestations of love, that might also be manifestations of like and lust. But Love is a comittment. I think of love and true love almost the same...something selfless. When you love someone, it means that you will always be there, you are always more worried about their well-being than yours. It means divorce is not a word in our vocabulary, it means you always talk it out before you go to sleep. It means you daydream of spending weekends together, you would do anything to see them smile. You would compromise almost everything not to see them cry. Bottom line: it means you commit to them, selflishly, totally, sweetly, eternally.

That is just my definition. I guess some people achieve that in varying degrees. But I think if more people thought of it as a commitment before they said it, maybe marriages would have different outcomes.
All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.

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B-squared, love, do you think there IS a definitive answer? I just think true love is a state that cannot be maintained at full throttle all the time.

Example: When I was a lad of 18, I went away to university at San Diego. I'm a NorCal boy, and was madly in love with my high school sweetheart, my first love. I pined for her deperately while I was at school, didn't eat, wrote letters constantly, etc. After a separation of about 12 weeks I returned. When we embraced I felt a surge of emotion so intense that I literally fainted. Whump. Sack of potatoes on the floor. Her mother was a merciless nurse, "you should eat, that wouldn't happen".

The next time I felt that way was when I saw my bride in her wedding dress for the first time. (I had been doing shots with my groomsmen, so I didn't faint).

The last time I felt that way was when they yanked my daughters out of my wifes womb (caesarean: think "Freddi Krueger, ER") and I heard them cry.

I felt a little of that hanging out with you and the crew at Eloy. But I don't think anybody can be there all the time.

Heck, you couldn't drive a car.


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Hey, maybe I got it all wrong, but to me true love is caring for someone more than you care for yourself and making sure that they are happy and safe. It's all about giving.

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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Hey, maybe I got it all wrong, but to me true love is caring for someone more than you care for yourself and making sure that they are happy and safe. It's all about giving.

This is sounding like the "What would you do for a Klondike bar?" question, so that may be the answer. I would give them my Klondike bar. ;)

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The last time I felt that way was when they yanked my daughters out of my wifes womb (caesarean: think "Freddi Krueger, ER") and I heard them cry.

I felt a little of that hanging out with you and the crew at Eloy. But I don't think anybody can be there all the time.

Heck, you couldn't drive a car.


Lemme guess, you fainted then ? :D

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A couple of summers ago the discovery channel aired a story during 'shark week' that went something like this - A man and his bride are in Austrailia on their honeymoon, scuba diving with a group. Out of the depths of the water, the man see a great white shark coming for hiis wife, rushes to her and pushes her out of the way and the shark grabs him instead, never to be seen again. THAT'S true love.

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True love differs from the plain variety in the inclusion of the head along with the heart. I've loved with my heart, knowing in my head it just wasn't all there.

People fall in and out of love all the time. We are individuals, and we are going to disagree on something, sooner or later. True love makes the stand that, no matter what, this person is my best friend, as well as my lover, and a good person - I will be patient. True love has patience.

What would I do for true love? I'd be patient.

Exactly. I think what people call loving with the heart is a posessive kind of love. You want a pretty thing, you don't want to be alone, you're horny, whatever. True love is all that plus a good friend. More than a good friend. Not just someone who will accept you and you can accept, but someone with whom it won't be an issue. You may disagree on some things, but the core of the two of you will be the same.

You never have to do anything for true love.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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What would I do for my true love? Damn, that's a tough one. Every one's saying that if she was the one then she would accept me for who I am. Right, I get that, but at the same time, for my true love who was so busy accepting me for who I am, I would do anything for her. The thing is, it wouldn't be a chore, or a point for argument, it would just be me wanting her to be as happy as she made me. Or something like that.

Your preaching to the choir brother.
Been there.

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When I was young I learned something that I really have never been able to disprove, and so it is my interpretation of true love. Love is a comittment There are a lot of manifestations of love, that might also be manifestations of like and lust. But Love is a comittment. I think of love and true love almost the same...something selfless. When you love someone, it means that you will always be there, you are always more worried about their well-being than yours. It means divorce is not a word in our vocabulary, it means you always talk it out before you go to sleep. It means you daydream of spending weekends together, you would do anything to see them smile. You would compromise almost everything not to see them cry. Bottom line: it means you commit to them, selflishly, totally, sweetly, eternally.

That is just my definition. I guess some people achieve that in varying degrees. But I think if more people thought of it as a commitment before they said it, maybe marriages would have different outcomes.

Well, your definition is pretty right on with mine..to a varying degree of course. Everyone has their own thoughts--I would like to think that one day what you just said has a place in my story. Personally-I feel I have that level of commitment in me. But not everyone does..

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Kate, true a committment it is. But it really is much more than a committment. It's having a (insert loved one) file in every cell of your body. It's being selfless. It's thinking more about your loved one than about yourself. As a matter of fact you start fading away cause your loved one is all that matters. No upper hand, no mind games...:)


Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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It is--for some. People have different comfort levels with how much they are willing to love someone else--or be loved. I think true love will exist when I meet the person who is willing to commit the same to the relationship that I am. One person willing to give more than another does not make for a healthy relationship--and this is why it is important for people to trust (themselves and the other) and to be honest--you're right. No mind games. If all else fails at the very least you have learned something about yourself. True love is more than a feeling. It just Is.

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