
Death to the kitty

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I woke up to the sound of footsteps coming down my hallway. so I reached down to the side of my bed got my 12ga home defender and rolled into the hallway to find my niebors cat looking down the 18 and a half inch barrel. I came so close to squeezing off that triger until I thought, this will make a much bigger mess than I want to clean up. I would suggest a .22 with cb caps and a home made silencer to take care of your cat problem (while the cat is outside)

Death is so permanant, and I'm just not ready for that kind of committment.

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I would suggest a .22 with cb caps and a home made silencer to take care of your cat problem (while the cat is outside)

Hehehehehee........When I lived in Kentucky I used to put the silencer on my .22 and target shoot in my basement. Every once in awhile the packing would get goofed up and it would be a loud shot. The wife "What the hell was that?" Me....."Oh nothing....I just dropped something...." :D

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"Kitty kitty bang bang, kitty kitty bang bang, kitty kitty bang bang, we luv you....

Argh!!! Well thats gonna be stuck in my head for a few days now....

"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Kierkegaard

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