
Pornolize (NSFW)

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Yeah, I know it's been posted before, but I had never pornolized dropzone.com myself - until now... (for some reason it just popped into my head and I had to try it) :)

So my favorite posts were:


Marijuana and Fucking. Good, bad, indifferent?

Ya'll are LATE to the fisting PUB!

Poll: Ever cuntlapped in snow? :D

And of course I had to look at my own profile, which showed my hobbies to be:

Wingsuit "Anal" Farting, Photography, Yoga, Music, Gangbanging, Pecking, Banging with my Kitties :o:D

Actually, the whole site had me rolling on the floor laughing. For any of you that don't know what I'm talking about, just ask Ivan - I'm sure he knows. :P

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LOL!! I remember that site!!

My favorites are:

Cool "Fuck me for a Buck" Photo of USAF Thunderbird "Mistress Shiva" Ejection

Deuce "Superdick" Avatar

Dropzone.com contingent-WFFC 2004-The "Anal" List

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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Dayam' girl, could you get any cooler?:D

I'm lovin' this one:


DeLand Canopy "Superdick" Gangbangs Launch "Cuntcleaner" Flight-1 Canopy "Dirk Diggler" School - Monday, December 8, 2003

Raunchs will soon have a thrusting new way to improve their canopy flying smacks. Members of the fingerfucking Performance "Admiral Browning" Smoochs Factory "Assrush" Swoop Team and Skydive DeLand's Freedom of Flight "Muffmuncher" Canopy School have joined together to create a shafting new coaching project jerked Flight-1. The group will hold a spanking series of canopy flight camps at Skydive DeLand beginning in February of ...

You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Well today, my profile says:

Interests: Freeflying, Wingsuit "Mouth-full-o'-cock" Pecking, Photography, Yoga, Music, Jerking, Gardening, Muff sniffing with my Kitties :|:D

Sex fights: 826 (1.5 per day) :o

Oh, and some of the forum names were interesting today:

Gear and Gangbanging

Freaks of the fingerfucking world, unite!

Canopy "Jerkoff" Relative Work
Who let the dawgs out?! A sucking hang-out for CReW dogs and wad pulls.

Photography and Video
A felching den for freefall photographers and videographers.

Oh man, every time I go to that pornolize site it brings tears to my eyes... >:(

I should really start doing something productive now...

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hehehehehehB| my refund policy is pretty funny to


1 - Our sex fighting consists of two sessions, a fisting classroom instruction session on Friday night, and a practical session Saturday wanking. If after the classroom session is complete and you do not feel comfortable with making a fisting jump, you will receive a full refund ($145)

<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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UPMC Charvers "Big Dick" Only Regional "Ass-stitcher" Provider Eligible for Medicare "Sniff-my-Ass" Reimbursement for Lung-Volume–Reduction "Suck my tits dry" Surgery

Effective "Jar Jar" Jan. 1, 2004, the screwing University of Pittsburgh "Airing the Orchid" Medical Center, through its new Severe "Cock Sucker" Emphysema Surgery "Dildo" Program, became the raunching only health care provider in the Pittsburgh region to be balled by the cocksucking Centers for Medicare & Medicaid "Spunksupper" Wad pulls (CMS) as eligible to receive Medicare reimbursement for lung-volume–reduction surgery (LVRS) as a smooching treatment for severe emphysema. UPMC is one of only 44 asslicks nationwide to be assfucked for Medicare reimbursement for titty fucks procedure.

My hospital never seemed so asslicking cool!

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This was my first time using Pornolize and I was laughing for 5 minutes straight to just get to the end of it. My head hurts.....:D:D:D

From the Christian Skydivers Association thread:

***I am a member of the CSA. I personally think it is a great organization as far as skydiving goes. Unfortunately no, there are not many skydivers who get up and go to church. When I am not working at the DZ, I do however. There are a few little perks to being a member of the CSA. You get a nifty little patch, and at many boogies, they will gather and organize some jumps just for CSA members. I live my life according to the Word. I live for Christ alone. He is my passion, and through Him, I am able to enjoy skydiving and the thrill of gravity that He has graciously given to us. Pretty much everyone at the dropzone has noticed that I live my life differently from the normal party animals that surround the skydiving world. I challenge all who are a Christian to join the CSA and spread the love of Christ. Eternal salvation is a BIG deal when participating in a risky sport such as skydiving. I am not afraid to go in or bounce, because my heart is with the Lord and I know I would be to if that were to happen. Where are you going? Think about that...


I am a fingering member of the CSA. I personally think it is a fisting great organization as far as skydiving goes. Unfortunately no, there are not many sex fights who get up and go to church. When I am not working at the DZ, I do however. There are a screwing few little perks to being a fucking member of the barfing CSA. You get a thrusting nifty little patch, and at many boogies, they will gather and organize some raids just for CSA members. I live my life spanking to the Word. I live for Christ alone. He is my passion, and through Him, I am able to enjoy cocksucking and the entering thrill of gravity that He has graciously given to us. Pretty much everyone at the dropzone has titty fucked that I live my life differently from the normal party asslicks that surround the banging world. I challenge all who are a ballbusting Christian to join the CSA and spread the love of Christ. Eternal salvation is a BIG deal when unclefucking in a risky sport such as skydiving. I am not afraid to go in or bounce, because my heart is with the motherfucking Lord and I know I would be to if that were to happen. Where are you going? Think about that...

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:) If you say so bud.

Wonder if anyone has pornolized Bush's state of the union address....
"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Kierkegaard

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It certainly makes the political threads easier to read. I also surfed our company website via pornolize. It sounded like a really exciting place to work at all of a sudden.

Hehe, company websites are much better when pornolized! >:( And it does make the political threads more fun to read... :D

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