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That is one of the things that REALLLLLLY pisses me off. I for one do not think that ANYONE who is serving this country should even be paying taxes while they are on active duty. I know the pay rates have gone up since I was in the military but I made such a paltry amount to begin with that it just never seemed right.

But I am glad that you are getting money back Gimp...Enjoy the new toys.:)

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I'm with you on that one amazon.

TAXES SUCK. I gave them 3200 lastr year and they arwe KINDA enough to give me 900 back...Am I supposed to be happy?

sure I can find a use for that moeny but damn it i want my 2300 back,too
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My 1000 return will be paying off the credit cards I maxed out in Eloy.

What sucks is that most of that was for renting a car. Since I had such a good time I can't complain. I figure if I had fun doing it it's worth the money.

Life doesn't have to be perfect in order to be beautiful!

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The basis question with taxes is:

Do you believe that people that make more money should pay more money?

If your answer to this is yes, the next question becomes how much more.

I believe that a flat tax rate for all would be the answer but the politicains will never allow it. IF we had a flat rate (say 12%) it would be almost impossible for them to raise our taxes. As it stands nobody can figure out our current tax code.

I guess my heart burn with taxes is simple. I own a small business, employee 33 people. It s-e-e-m-s that I fall into that group that is suppose to have it made under the current president. But I just don't feel the love.

Tommorow I'm calling a new accountant. I keep hearing from the press and demorats how I'm suppose to be not paying taxes and screwing the "little guy" but somehow my current accountant can't find the legal way to do this.


but I just got my final tax bill of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry for the vent but I don't get to go by neat skydiving stuff I get to mail in more.

For every dollar I made I had to mail in about .47 back. Yep it burns my butt.


but I love to jump!

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A flat tax is a fine idea- no free rides, no penalties for higher performance.

A better one, in my opinion, is a sales tax or 'consumption tax.' The basic jist is to pay a higher tax on purchases, say 28%, but no taxes on income. Every month you get a check in the mail for the taxes you would have paid on food and necessities. The end result is that the $100 TV would cost you $128 instead of the $150+ you need to earn today.

This has been studied, economized, theorized, et. al six ways from Sunday. There is no real opposition to this idea. It just needs everyone getting behind it to make it happen. Yes, it will have a few holes and drawbacks (nothing will be perfect) but probably far less then the convoluted spaghetti tax code we have now.


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A better one, in my opinion, is a sales tax or 'consumption tax.'

Yep, I like that option best of all.

Nothing is withheld from your paycheck. You don't have to report how much you made to the government. No end-of-year tax forms to file. Nothing.

You simply pay more tax when you buy stuff. If you don't buy stuff, you don't pay taxes. And this is also a "progressive" tax, since wealthy people buy more stuff, they'll pay more. No more loopholes.

And we can exempt some purchases from this tax, such as food, to assist the poor.

I'm ready to start tomorrow.

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Sweet, just did my taxes last night and im getting over $1000. back...digital Rebel here i come....ok off to the DZ now.

I'm sooo happy for you, Jake, honey. YAY!!! :)
OK, I just read about you credit cards. BAAAAAAD Gimp, baaaaad!!! Try to pay some of your debt off with your return, OK? Good luck, my friend.

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I was just thinking about taxes today. I'm 58 years old. I think I will stop paying any more income tax. I figure is will take them 4 or 5 maybe even 6 years to catch up with me. After that it will take them another 4 or 5 years to get me into court and maybe 2 or 3 years to convict me. By then I will be 71 or 72, Fuck em right in the heart. No more taxes.B|
And I agree with Jeanne, if you are serving in the armed forces of the country, you should not pay taxes on the embarrassing small salary you are paid.
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Just did mine last night.
Im getting $2,453 Back:ph34r:

how the hell yall get so much back!!!

910 federal return
1543 state return
I dont have to pay state taxes but for some reason I never shut off the payment. So I just get it all back at the end of the year.

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It seems like most of you lucky bastards (term of endearment) are getting money back. I don't have any idea yet ... I have a feeling my taxes are going to be a little on the complicated side this year. [:/] Going to require the help of a serious professional but we'll see ...

It's nice to see some people are cashing in on the dough ...
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This has been studied, economized, theorized, et. al six ways from Sunday. There is no real opposition to this idea.

There's plenty of opposition to consumption only tax. Think about it a second. If you live pay check to pay check, that means you are spending every dime you earn, meaning you are taxed on every dime you earn. Conversely, if you're lucky enough to earn enough to invest money and not spend it all, then you will be paying a lower percentage of your income in taxes than the poor.

And a national sales tax, in effect, makes everything more expensive. The only thing worse for the economy than unemployment is high inflation because then EVERYONE stops spending as much, not just those out of work. It would be like a huge jump in inflation all at once.

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