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Ncrowe 0
QuoteQuoteLike NCrowe, I do some spearfishing. Tried scuba but got bored / cold very quickly. Started spearfishing and love it. Like skydiving, it requires committment, focus and a bit of grit to get results.
Problem is that unlike spearfishing, skydiving requires shitloads of cash. Anyways, I love to spearfish and lobster dive here in san diego. It is the best.
Scuba/Spearfish can get pretty damn expensive itself, by the time I got done renting tanks, paying for the charter and buying other misc. stuff I was spending about 130-140 dollars a trip. Now mutiply that by 2-3 times a month and it adds up quick and thats not including the 1,200- 1,500 I spent on gear. Luckily the season was only about 4-5 months long. Had some damn good times though I wish I still had some fish shots to post.
"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "
Hooknswoop 19
Aviatrr 0
considered using my GI Bill to become an underwater welder then I started listening to the horror stories about people never being quite "right" in the head after too much time in the deep and a torch in their hands... I'd still be curious to know what the training is like... underwater welding. is there anything cooler than the thought of that? thats like ultra high altitude jumping... not that I know of course, but thats what I'd compare it to.
Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky
QuoteMilitary? US Army Combat Dive Supervisor
Civilian? Padi Dive Master, Advanced Open Water. Both obtained by virtue of my military ratings.
one of my current divers is a retired army master diver , Hal Letts , do you know him by chance ?
or did you ever Dive Sup. Greg Griffin or John Bogue ? both of which are former Army divers and former teammates of mine.
I know ya'll are a small community so i thought i'd ask.
You are talking about "00B" Hardhat diving. That, engineer diving, is entirely different than "infiltration" diving. Hardhat divers from both the army and navy go to the same school to learn their trade and wear the same insignia. The infiltration diving community is entirely separate. We are trained in it as an additional skill and awarded an "ASI" after graduation from the courses. All of our Special Forces training is conducted at our facility in Key West, FL. We run three courses there: the Combat Dive Qualification Course (CDQC), the SF Combat Dive Supervisor Course (CDSC), and the SF Combat Dive Medical Technician Course (CDMT). For CDQC, we get students from all branches (with a specops mission) minus the navy (with exceptions). We train Dive Sups from all branches (even SEALS who can't get a class date at Coronado or Little Creek), and we train all the DMT's in the military. The navy trains their SEALS at BUD/S in Coronado and the Marines train their recon/force recon guys at the Marine Corps Combative Dive Course in Panama City. We do not do any decompression dives in our field as there is no reason. I have as many closed-circuit dives on a Draeger Lar V as I do on OC twin 80's.
Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky
camerone 0
On the other hand, I'm totally in love with the cold, unforgiving Pacific NW waters...octopi and wolf eels everywhere, and those Canadians sink some really cool ships up in BC for us to play on. I'm looking forward to the Boeing 737 they're sinking next spring!
Winter's the best time of year out here for diving - viz is great in the Sound. It's also the worst time for jumping, with rain and low ceilings. The two mesh perfectly and keep my weekends tied up year round...
Then relocated to central North Carolina and got land locked. Good thing! I only then discovered my man and the sky. Both guy & skydiving go well together or individually, but haven't scuba in about 10 years now

The DMT course we did was a handful, so i can only imagine what the CDMT must be like.
The only training we do with the "schoolhouse" is the RNT course.
Good stuff !
it's only when we've lost everything that we're free to do anything !
Lee03 0
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.
--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule
Ian84 0

McDuck 0

"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.
Aviatrr 0
QuoteHoly cow, I thought skydiving was expensive if you wanted nice stuff... but then I bought a rebreather, new drysuit, and all the assorted goodies to go with it.
What kind of rebreather? I, myself, like the YBOD..
camerone 0
QuoteWhat kind of rebreather? I, myself, like the YBOD..
The nearly ubiquitous Drager Dolphin first foray into long bottom times. Around 90 minutes under water is pushing how long I can stay warm, so the three to four hour scrubber limitation doesn't really bother me.
I'd like to get another 100 or so dives on it (basically, finish the year), and then it's a toss up for me to either take it through a CCR conversion or sell it and move up to an Inspiration (aka Yellow Box of Death).
I definitely covet the new YBODs on display every time I walk into my LDS...
Classair 0

Chute 0
* Brother_Brian *
D.S.W.F.S.B. #2

Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
Aviatrr 0


Has anyone done any diving in Missouri or anywhere else in the Midwest? I've seen signs for SCUBA diving around here but I thought SCUBA diving and the Midwest were antonyms

Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
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