
Chop it or keep it?

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Sounds like youre ready for a change, but not a drastic one..
How about both shorter AND longer?? Grow your bangs out another inch or so, so theyre not straight across your forehead, kinda swoop them over to one side (almost long enough to tuck behind your ear), and get long layers cut on top and throughout the length of your hair.
This hairstyle is EASY, because its still long enough to pull out of your face when jumping, boxing, running, etc.. The bangs are at a lenghth where you can choose to wear them as bangs, or blend them in with your other layers and get them out of your eyes.
Also, because of the layers, its really easy to style up dressy (velcro rollers or curling iron) if you want to. Still looks good straight too.

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Keep it as you have it. Stay away from men and women. Wait for me to arrive. Fall in love with me.

I'll probably manage from there on. :P

Seriously, I like the longer hair better - especially the jump hair. There's something inherently sexy in jump hair. Looks sorta like after-sex hair ;)

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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I'm also having the same dilemma lol. I've almost always worn my hair long but I'm really bored with it right now.Currently its about 5inches above my waist and I'm too lazy to really do anything with it other than put it in a ponytail.Most mornings I just brush it and go. My family and friends have been harping on me to cut it short but I think my face would look so chubby w/short hair.:S If I could find a semi short style I thought might look good on me then I'd cut it and donate to Locks of Love.I just havent found anything yet. Anyone know of any websites for hair styles and this type of thing? (no I havent looked/searched for one..I'm lazy.):P

As for the origional post..I think the darker/longer looks much better.:)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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The last one.

Looks good, all the passes the ladies make will keep your hubbie on his toes, and it's one less thing to worry about when you're doing all those tandems this summer!

Good luck!
Doctor I ain't gonna die,
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Wow, you're pretty gorgeous. You look good with all the hairstyles. (Btw, I am not hitting on you. LOL!) I think that I love the longer hairstyle that you wear up the best.

It's soooo funny that you posted this because I was just scanning old family pics into a computer at my parents' home and came across pics of myself, when I was about 22-23 yrs. I had chopped off all my very long, but very damaged hair.

These attachments aren't flattering pics of me with short hair, but you get the idea. (I esp. hate the sun-lightened color.) Short hair can look sexy when styled properly and when wearing tops that show off the neck and upper body/back. I am considering chopping my mane now, also, but keeping my hair color dark. Then again...I sooo love the feel of hair on my bare back. :) Difficult choices...I like your hair longer. :)

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Robin, you could shave your head and wear burlap sacks and STILL be a beautiful person, packer, rigger?, personality, video person, tandem master, manifest, LO, :) coach, etc, etc. etc!

Jim and I agree on this one. :)
See ya in the Spring

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You look good with both, but I said short hair. I just figured that it would be easier to manage with skydiving and all, and if you look good either way, then short would be easier.

On another thought, it is winter and cold hair would be cold!

It is your choice, both look good :)
Blue skies and SAFE landings!

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I've gotta tell you your jumping hair looks pretty good for jumping hair; however, I think the short style is cute on you, suiting your face.
"If the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girl's sports such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing." - Homer Simpson

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I think this is the winner, folks-- thanks for your time and comments-- well, most of them. At least now I'm prepared. My hairdresser will be coming back into town from a big Vidal Sassoon show the day before he sees me. Hopefully, he won't be too wacky-inspired.:D


Grow your bangs out another inch or so, so theyre not straight across your forehead, kinda swoop them over to one side (almost long enough to tuck behind your ear), and get long layers cut on top and throughout the length of your hair.

Yeah, chaoskitty!!!:)

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