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Amazon 7
Trouble is that MOST of the rest of the world sees the US blocking ANY resolution AGAINT Isreal as UBER hypocritical.
While I admire what the Israeli's have done to build a country in the face of great odds.. they CONSTANTLY thumb their noses at the UN we are trying to so staunchly support with the very selective UN resolutions that are convieniently used to go to war in Iraq.
I am sure the Israeli's are not losing sleep over the demise Sadaam Hussein in your beloved Israel.
QuoteJust so you don't get a narrow-minded view of that website diverdiver, check out The U.S. Army War College's study of the Bush adminstration's war on terror.
QuoteThe views expressed in this report are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Army, the
Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government. This report is cleared for public
release; distribution is unlimited.
Nice try though Benny.

Michele 1
QuoteI am sure the Israeli's are not losing sleep over the demise Sadaam Hussein in your beloved Israel.
Nor should they be.
As to it being "my" beloved Isreal, I did not say that....not sure where you got that idea.
~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~
Amazon 7
QuoteWhat branch of the service did Michael Moore serve in? Clinton?
Gee on BALANCE from that list who the hell cares anymore.. neither of them have any power to get people killed... you have a far left wahcko.. and a good ole boy from the south who liked getting his pole sucked and playing with cigars.... I will take their lies... that did not get a single American killed as opposed to the other VERY LONG LIST of lies by the people in this administration going back to selling drugs to support thier clandestine war in Central America.
Same people same lies.
Iflyme 0
benny 0
QuoteThe views expressed in this report are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Army, the
Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government. This report is cleared for public
release; distribution is unlimited.
When did I claim that what I linked to was necessarily reflecting the official policy or position of the Department of the Army, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government?
Nice try at what, saying that there are other opinions out there? Even that some of them are by military scholars? Hmmm... thanks though. It's sure better than "what an asshole".

Never go to a DZ strip show.
QuoteNow you're twisting my principles.
No comment
It's not wrong to take out one, because you didn't take out the other. It's wrong to do so without significant reason and then to claim that the real reason is to "free" those poor people.
Wasn't the operation called "Iraqi Freedom"?
That's a lie, if it were about freeing people we'd be in a lot more places than Iraq.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
never pull low......unless you are
Michele 1
QuoteI will take their lies... that did not get a single American killed
You can't be serious, Jeanne.
You really can't be serious.
Please, tell me you don't think Clinton's inaction/lies/ignoring of the issues didn't get anyone killed.
Please tell me you see beyond that tripe....
~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~
benny 0
Never go to a DZ strip show.

Agreed. People who call others "assholes" are...........well "assholes"

Jimbo 0
QuoteWhen did I claim that what I linked to was necessarily reflecting the official policy or position of the Department of the Army, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government?
What were you trying to demonstrate or claim with the post in question?
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
Amazon 7
So.. instead of an internationl effort to stop terrorism.. we have shown the world we are a big bully who does not really believe in the UN. We have shown contempt for the rest of the world and it will come back to haunt our children.
Some people would say that Clinton caused deaths by his inaction. After Clinton, OBL actually thought that they would get away with 9-11.
never pull low......unless you are
Jimbo 0
QuoteHe lied under oath about getting a blow job... hell I am glad he was getting some sex to relieve some of that political tension... so he did not feel prone to go to war with a LIE about WMD to relieve his family frustration... THAT MAN TRIED TO KILL MY DADDY.... Maybe if he got laid once in a while we would not be at war getting young men and women.. killed in a far off place...but directing a well thought out policy of going after the people who actually attacked us and building a better place in the world.. but I guess Afghanistan does not have much oil for his oil business cronies to make billions off of.
Surely you can do better than this, Jeanne. Your anger and emotion are obvious, your conclusion and the facts leading to it are not.
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.
benny 0
QuoteWhen did I claim that what I linked to was necessarily reflecting the official policy or position of the Department of the Army, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government?
What were you trying to demonstrate or claim with the post in question?
I was trying to demonstrate that I didn't understand what GravityMaster was trying to say. The only claim I might have implied is that my preceding post wasn't disingenuous. It think I referred to that in the second paragraph; to quote myself
QuoteNice try at what, saying that there are other opinions out there? Even that some of them are by military scholars?
Never go to a DZ strip show.
Good grief. Do you really just accept anything your people tell you, and not take anything else into consideration? 'Twould seem so, and would explain your very narrow view on a gigantic world full of twists, turns, and complications.
~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~
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