
BPA AGM - the result

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Why thanks hun! U werent looking half bad urself!!!! ;) Bxx

PS think my hair confused everyone briefly!! (naturally curly, i usually just tie it up to jump!)

"This isn't flying...it's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

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Rich!? When were you there??? - I didn't see you, there aren't photos - are you sure it really happened ;) You missed Shona and Tom, they dropped by and left early on.
I was sort of hiding on the second night - I was accosted by random drunken men about 50 times too many the first night, tolerance levels were low, so felt safer on the ground refusing to dirtdive.

Spike - the pull up cords really do work, my hair didn't fall down once the whole night, and they make such pretty bows.

edited - because Beth just explained, but Macca - it was obvious

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My point exactly!!!! Glad to see sumone putting those pull ups to use...i have two so bunches could look cute ;) Bx

"This isn't flying...it's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

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He he! Its good to be girly occasionally! Good to meet u too...although I appear to have got lost for a while after dinner, so didnt see you for long!!

Beth x

"This isn't flying...it's falling with style!" Buzz Lightyear - Toystory 1

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eh what was obvious?? i dont understand, speak slowly, i'm blonde... :S

you, girly? how did you work that one out? and whats wrong with dirt diving in a corridor?
Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE
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oh for the love of god...

i've just worked out why fellow employees have been chuckling at me....

i still had a pull up attached to my jeans :$ i always tie it there so i dont lose it.

Cheers spike, thats your fault, i can say this as its your teams pull up :P
Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE
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You've lost the plot Macca,:P no1 recognised beth because she normally has her hair tied up, and at the AGM it was down, I had to look twice too.:)
Hmmm, never occured to me the pullups would get used as hair decorations. Could this be the start of a new thread... what can you use pullups for, aside from the obvious.

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edited - because Beth just explained, but Macca - it was obvious

again obvious - see the reference to what Beth just explained - i.e the post above, just in case that still doesn't explain it - I meant the confusion caused by curly hair.

And you have seen me at the most girly I ever get - I was bloody wearing heals and face goo! But obviously if I had been wearing bunches with matching bows - it would have taken it a step further(see the implied girliness)

I never said there was anything wrong with dirtdiving in the corridor - it was just more amusing to annoy you and not do it ;)

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3. I fixed my mates sun-roof with pull up cords on the way to last year's AGM.

4. They work ok for packing. (really should be 1.)

5. A couple hold a sleaping bag or roll mat rolled - ready for use when camping at the DZ.

6. Streamers on the rabbits shoes in tracking dives.

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the problem is, i tie it to the belt loop in the middle at the back of my jeans. to them it looked like i'd just tied a nice red ribbon to my arse.

Its taken a lot of explanation, which has included diagrams, to convince them of my hetrosexuality...:S:D
Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE
Performance Designs - Simply brilliant canopies

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Well - if you got mugged but then overpowered the mugger and needed to stick around until the police showed - you could tie his hands together, so he wouldn't do anything, and it would really dig aswell, those things are painful - see the logical, plausible explanation :)

maybe I should start a which is better galaxy or shitty crap dairy bloody milk - yuck(ok I do like it really - just less so)

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