
BPA AGM - the result

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I was thinking this is becoming the non-american thread. I'm waiting for a greenie to lock it cos we're getting bigger than the american lot :P

ask HH for a new forum.... 'UK only' :P lots of bitching about the weather and foreigners :D;)

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Morning Zee Dude.

"This could be the 'Non Americans' thread MKII."

Yeah, you have to watch out, the forum isn't really supposed to be used as a chat place.
Some of us veterans from the NA thread got a mild forking over this.

But if someone were to start a new thread discussing the possibility of a UK get together / boogie / pissup...well that might be different.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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[yawn] morning all [/yawn]

knackered this morning - been a heavy week. Still, ITS FRIDAY - yay!

Come on Macca, start a thread about the UK DZ.commers mini boogie you're organising.

And Bex, I can conclusively prove after last nights mini get together, that Macca has a Kent accent not Scottish, just to put your mind at rest!

~~~ London Skydivers ~~~

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