
My first video on the internet!!!

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I dont think that web server has the wmv MIME type set. My browser tries to view it as text.

Edit: never mind. I shoulda just read your post. :P

Edit again: never mind my never mind. Still won't play for me. If you can get it to me, I'll put it on my site right away. The download functionality of the site is done, just not uploads.


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Chris, great job! I loved watching it. I think my favorite part was nearing the end of the first song where it looked like four of you jumped from the wing into a sit. It almost felt like I was there! Thanks, I needed that... coming from a girl stuck in Ohio, where the weather remains in the teens...
-Converting the world one whuffo at a time.

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Awesome!!! i'm glad to hear you like the video. I made a DVD about a month ago but it was so big I didn't even dare post it. I just bought my camera so I hadn't really messed with posting footage that wasn't mine etc. There will be many many more online once I figure all the software out and get a better server.

and I know how you feel being in Ohio, it's been cold here and colder in my house!
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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Dude, that is EXACTLY what I needed to get me through this rough day/week (already). Thanks for sharing, my friend. You would have been hard-pressed to get the smile on my face to go away while watching that. Thanks again.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Dude, that is EXACTLY what I needed to get me through this rough day/week (already). Thanks for sharing, my friend. You would have been hard-pressed to get the smile on my face to go away while watching that. Thanks again.

Hey I'm glad I could help ya out. I just upgraded my machine last night so there will be MANY more videos coming out and they will get better in quality and footage
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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