
Red Rover Code

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Maybe it has to come from the context. Clearly, we are having trouble with bits per character.

Look at the last few bits of "vastness" and "ourselves". We have an "es" and and "ess" - we ought to be able to get "e" and "s" out of this. However, I can't decide how many bits long "s" is.

edited to add: the only way it makes sense is for "s" to be |||
and for "e" to be one of the following:

depending on the assumptions we make about the number of binary characters it takes to describe a letter.


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--- =
ll---lll--l- = IN
--- =
-llll-llll-- = OUR
--- =
-lll-lll-lllll-ll-ll-llll--ll---lll----l-ll-- = OBSCURITY

If "-llll-llll-- = OUR " and "-lll-lll-lllll-ll-ll-llll--ll---lll----l-ll-- = OBSCURITY ", then doesn't "-lll" have to = "O"

I think there's something fundamentally flawed with assuming "---" = " ".
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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That's what I was thinking, or at least it equals an O at the beginning of a word.

If "-llll-llll-- = OUR " and "-lll-lll-lllll-ll-ll-llll--ll---lll----l-ll-- = OBSCURITY ", then doesn't "-lll" have to = "O"

This would also be consistent for the I that comes after the UR in obscurity... :)

"Your mother's full of stupidjuice!"
My Art Project

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Ok, so let's compress the first sentace of what we assume to be clue #2 using Huffman coding

Original Text = Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark.


Ignoring spaces and any other character
different from the alphabet ...

Frequency of A is 5
Frequency of B is 1
Frequency of C is 4
Frequency of D is 2
Frequency of E is 8
Frequency of F is 1
Frequency of G is 3
Frequency of H is 2
Frequency of I is 5
Frequency of J is 1
Frequency of K is 3
Frequency of L is 5
Frequency of M is 2
Frequency of N is 6
Frequency of O is 5
Frequency of P is 4
Frequency of Q is 1
Frequency of R is 4
Frequency of S is 4
Frequency of T is 4
Frequency of U is 2
Frequency of V is 2
Frequency of W is 1
Frequency of X is 1
Frequency of Y is 2
Frequency of Z is 1

Code Word for A is 1000
Code Word for B is 011010
Code Word for C is 0011
Code Word for D is 111010
Code Word for E is 000
Code Word for F is 1101010
Code Word for G is 11100
Code Word for H is 111011
Code Word for I is 1010
Code Word for J is 1111100
Code Word for K is 11011
Code Word for L is 1001
Code Word for M is 01111
Code Word for N is 1100
Code Word for O is 1011
Code Word for P is 0100
Code Word for Q is 011011
Code Word for R is 0101
Code Word for S is 11110
Code Word for T is 0010
Code Word for U is 01110
Code Word for V is 01100
Code Word for W is 1111101
Code Word for X is 1101011
Code Word for Y is 111111
Code Word for Z is 110100

The Transformed Text :
has been coded to the following information :

This according to http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~sardinha/Huffman/Huffman.html

I think we can almost safely say that Huffman coding isn't being used at it would present too many challenges to the decoders. It would also make for some damn long messages and I don't think we'd have any possibility of figuring out good candidate quotes for.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I think there's something fundamentally flawed with assuming "---" = " ".

I don't think you can say that every time you see "---" you can say it's a space. What I think is that everytime there should be a space in the message there will be a corresponding "---".

"Your mother's full of stupidjuice!"
My Art Project

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I think it is going to be a more simple substitution type code. Maybe 4 bits per letter and 3 per space.

The problem with 3 bits per letter is the word "our" would =
The last 3 bits are the same as the first three.

So it could be 4 bits per letter and 3 per space.

EDIT: Scratch that - if it is 4 bits per letter then "ss" at the end of "vastness" does not work.


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I think you have to eliminate spaces yourself.

==================> Starting new Compression

Don't put in spaces or characters different
from the alphabet ...



Ignoring spaces and any other character
different from the alphabet ...

Frequency of A is 5
Frequency of B is 1
Frequency of C is 4
Frequency of D is 2
Frequency of E is 8
Frequency of F is 1
Frequency of G is 3
Frequency of H is 2
Frequency of I is 5
Frequency of J is 1
Frequency of K is 3
Frequency of L is 5
Frequency of M is 2
Frequency of N is 6
Frequency of O is 5
Frequency of P is 4
Frequency of Q is 1
Frequency of R is 4
Frequency of S is 4
Frequency of T is 4
Frequency of U is 2
Frequency of V is 2
Frequency of W is 1
Frequency of X is 1
Frequency of Y is 2
Frequency of Z is 1

Code Word for A is 1000
Code Word for B is 011010
Code Word for C is 0011
Code Word for D is 111010
Code Word for E is 000
Code Word for F is 1101010
Code Word for G is 11100
Code Word for H is 111011
Code Word for I is 1010
Code Word for J is 1111100
Code Word for K is 11011
Code Word for L is 1001
Code Word for M is 01111
Code Word for N is 1100
Code Word for O is 1011
Code Word for P is 0100
Code Word for Q is 011011
Code Word for R is 0101
Code Word for S is 11110
Code Word for T is 0010
Code Word for U is 01110
Code Word for V is 01100
Code Word for W is 1111101
Code Word for X is 1101011
Code Word for Y is 111111
Code Word for Z is 110100

The Transformed Text :
has been coded to the following information :


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Well, it would be different if it were part of a longer message. I am going to Huffman the whole clue and see what happens.

OK here is the whole thing:

==================> Starting new Compression

Don't put in spaces or characters different
from the alphabet ...

Original Text = OurplanetisalonelyspeckinthegreatenvelopingcosmicdarkInourobscurityinallthisvastnessthereisnohintthathelpwillcomefromelsewheretosaveusfromourselves


Ignoring spaces and any other character
different from the alphabet ...

Frequency of A is 9
Frequency of B is 2
Frequency of C is 6
Frequency of D is 2
Frequency of E is 20
Frequency of F is 3
Frequency of G is 3
Frequency of H is 8
Frequency of I is 12
Frequency of J is 1
Frequency of K is 3
Frequency of L is 12
Frequency of M is 5
Frequency of N is 11
Frequency of O is 13
Frequency of P is 5
Frequency of Q is 1
Frequency of R is 11
Frequency of S is 15
Frequency of T is 12
Frequency of U is 6
Frequency of V is 5
Frequency of W is 3
Frequency of X is 1
Frequency of Y is 3
Frequency of Z is 1

Code Word for A is 0010
Code Word for B is 001100
Code Word for C is 10111
Code Word for D is 001101
Code Word for E is 010
Code Word for F is 101101
Code Word for G is 00000
Code Word for H is 0001
Code Word for I is 1100
Code Word for J is 0000101
Code Word for K is 101011
Code Word for L is 1001
Code Word for M is 01101
Code Word for N is 1000
Code Word for O is 1110
Code Word for P is 00111
Code Word for Q is 0000100
Code Word for R is 0111
Code Word for S is 1111
Code Word for T is 1101
Code Word for U is 10100
Code Word for V is 01100
Code Word for W is 101100
Code Word for X is 0000110
Code Word for Y is 101010
Code Word for Z is 0000111

The Transformed Text :
has been coded to the following information :


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Well, the clue page does say that you can decode the DVD message with the clue 1 message, so, I assume that if you had constructed a huffman like tree for the 1st clue out of the second clue, then you'd be able to use that tree key for decoding the actual Mars DVD.

Damn f'in complicated and damn near impossible without the first two clues, but I suppose if it were easy, we'd have all done it by now.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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So, I -JUST- got an email back from the Planetary Society.

I had asked them if -anyone- has yet solved the code.

They sent me a one word reply, "Nope!"

Whew! I don't feel too bad now . . .
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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So, I -JUST- got an email back from the Planetary Society.

I had asked them if -anyone- has yet solved the code.

They sent me a one word reply, "Nope!"

I've figured it out!! :D

I'll have it decoded this evening.

"Your mother's full of stupidjuice!"
My Art Project

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Show your work. I'll be a little ticked if character replacement from the decoded passage allows direct substitution for the dvd - that really means that it would have been impossible to decode without the clue.


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