
We Made It To FLORIDA!

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We decided to skip Atlanta and come down to Skydive Space Center in Titusville. WOW, what a view with the launchpad and the building where they store the shuttle are within 8 miles. The people are friendly, the atmosphere is great and we got 4 lifts up today. I love this place compared to Ohio.

If anyone is in this area, get you ass over here!! well be here till like thursday

Don't Die

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Send some FL sunshine and love to Athens, Ohio and Ohio University! I need it :)

Jersey can use it too :)
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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I wish the warmth and sunshine of Florida will make it to Ohio soon!

I am gonna follow it down to Florida though. Spaceland sounds pretty sweet and I am hopin to go there next week.

Yea for finally jumpin since Ohio sucks right now.

Have fun Joe!!
Blue skies and SAFE landings!

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I am gonna follow it down to Florida though. Spaceland sounds pretty sweet and I am hopin to go there next week.

Do you mean you hope to go to Florida or Texas next week? Skydive Spaceland is just south of Houston, TX, Skydive Space Center is in Titusville, FL.

I used to jump at Titusville, but haven't been there in nearly 3 years. Some things occured that I wasn't too excited about...so I split. I've been thinking I need to go back and check the place out soon..


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Hey, y'all, anyone headed down to Florida should come straight to Palm Beach. We have a new DZ out here, right at the s.e. corner of the big lake in the map of Florida, called Skydive South Beach (SoBe). Just opened in November to replace the defunct Skydive America. DZ is now located right ON Pahokee Airport (no more bus ride to/from the plane)! The place and the people are awesome! First boogie was held on Jan. 24 & 25 -- a great time!
Come on down. If you need a lift from PBI airport, email me. Everyone flies into PBI, so no excuses. The DZ is 50 min. drive from there and I go every weekend, room for 3 passengers in my little Subaru. :P
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Since you are in Florida are you going to make it to the Pink Mafia Boogie at Z-Hills?

It should be a blast.



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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Actually, since you are in Florida you need to visit at least a few dz's. How can you come to a state that has so many great dropzones and only stop at one.

You are very close to Sebastian and DeLand right now. Sebastian has a beautiful view of the coastline and DeLand is a bustling, busy place. Then if you've got time you can shoot across the state and hit Lake Wales and Z-hills.

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