
These aren't the box cutters you're looking for. Move along.

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In a related story


Press M for Murder: Cell Phones That Kill
Security experts are watching for guns disguised as mobile phones

Monday, Feb. 02, 2004
Don't be surprised if you're asked to whip out your cell phone and make a call next time you go through airport security. A mobile phone that masquerades as a gun may sound like a device concocted for 007, but it's the latest hidden weaponry to show up on the radar of law-enforcement folks.

Sources tell TIME that cell-phone guns, some of which have been seized in drug raids in the Netherlands, England and Germany, have been cited in several federal security alerts over the past year, the most recent just over a month ago. Though heavier than normal phones, the lethal ones look nearly identical. The hollowed-out devices, made in Croatia, are fired by punching buttons on the keypad and can shoot four .22-cal. bullets in rapid succession.

So far, no phony phones are known to have surfaced in the U.S. And aviation-security experts say screening equipment now in use can detect the cell guns and other "improvised explosive devices," such as fake calculators, cameras, laptops and PDAs. To speed your next security check, you may want to leave some of those gadgets behind, along with your tool kit. Says a senior U.S. law-enforcement official: "Even a screwdriver could conceal a shotgun shell in a hollowed-out handle."

From the Feb. 02, 2004 issue of TIME magazine

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Monday, Feb. 02, 2004
Don't be surprised if you're asked to whip out your cell phone and make a call next time you go through airport security.

Not a problem. Just ask them what the number of the TSA site manager is and call him to prove it works.
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
Postal Rodriguez, Muff 3342

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i know someone who made it around with their hook-knife on their rig. Was never stopped or questioned. Was an honest mistake though, security was more concerned I guess with the reserve pilot chute spring and never paid attention to it.

The person passed thru 3 security points, one of which was Chicago...
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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Since we are talking about screeners - anyone else see the story that the TSA has fired screeners all across the country? They let 77 go at O Hare airport alone last week! Guess the background checks came back in and a good portion have criminal backgrounds, lied about employment history, etc....

This is an ongoing process since the background check takes some time. Those at Ohare were hired back in July.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I was getting pulled aside to be further searched most times I traveled after 9/11. Simple little things were setting of the detector. Now when I get up there, I put everything in the bin, belt, cell phone, shoes, etc....

I have enough trouble when they start asking about my rig, I don't need the distraction of another TSA agent using the wand on me.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I still maintain we need some sort of IQ test before allowing people to travel

yup, very true.. when i fly i take everything out of my pokets and stick it in my cary on... only think i keep on my is my id and my tickets.... never a problem going through the checkpoint......

as for getting back to the old way, wel yeah buisnesses are taking a hit, but well what's the diffrence of saying goodbye 30 minutes earlier at the metal detectors than at he terminal... only thing i see is you don't getto wach the plane taxi... i sorta like the new way... never have to really fight for a seat at the gate cuz there arn't like 10 people per person seeing them off.......

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I can beat that. The aluminized foil wrapper around a granola bar set it off for me at O'Hare.

But, can you beat two Sudafed tablets in their plastic-bubbled foil-backed wrapper at Burbank?

p.s. I really like the title of this thread. I've got to start using the old Jedi mind trick more often.

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In all honesty I have never traveled with my rigs and I still take a 14-16 hr road trip to WFFC because of it.
When I move to Florida I won't be driving there but, I feel very troubled after the troubled people have been having and that's just what Iv'e heard from our little group at this site.
(maybe FedEx/UPS my favored rig at that time?)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Just thought about it and I realized that I traveled on 4 airplanes last December and never once took off my closing pin necklace and it never set off the detector. Not to mention all the metal I have in my back.

Why doesn't the surgical steel/titanium or what ever it is set off the detectors. And if it really doesn't why don't terrorist make guns or other weapons out of it.

"Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."

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Why doesn't the surgical steel/titanium or what ever it is set off the detectors.

I've had patients carry reduced size x-rays with them after a total joint replacement because the titanium caused the decector to sound. I suppose it depends on how much titanium you have in your body and how sensitive the detector has been set.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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