
jumping with contac lenses

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I wear 'em and only had a problem once. Before my A, one came out and ended up in my goggles. So, if you lose one, look when you take them off unless they're disposable.

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I jump with contacts and found they are better than wearing glasses under a full face. I can easily wear CurvX sunglasses or most goggles without having them dry up or pop out. I've lost one contact in three years of jumping with lenses. Sometimes a good burst manages to get in and dry out the lens - just blink as quick as you can. Oh yea, a full face works fine as well.
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I jump with lenses and it really sucks. Out here in arizona my eyes tend to get really dry. At break off from a FF jump, if I trans to Headdown->Track I tend to get a lot of wind into my googles... (huge acceleration change). Most of the time only one pops out, but sometimes I have had both... You can imagine that really sucks ... I'm blind as a bat.... I got better googles, but everyonce in a while it still happens. Prescription googles are probably the best bet.... Moral.. keep your eyes moist and your googles tight ;)

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Over 300 jumps with contact lenses with no problems.

That being said, I'd suggest you take the following to the dropzone :

Cleaning solution (small bottle)
Lens drops

The lens drops are to use to keep your lenses somewhat moist, if they are near normal and not dried out they tend to stay in much easier.

The cleaning solution is for if a lens comes out. When this happens it will normally just adhere to the googles or helmet lens.

Land, take it out, put it in a safe place (your mouth will work fine, try not to swallow though), then walk calmly back to the packing area. Rinse it off well with the cleaning solution and pop it back in!


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Soft contacts only.

Never, Ever do anything that you could get hit in the face wearing rigid contact lenses (hard lenses or gas permeable lenses).

I know two martial artists who are blind in one eye because of impacts while wearing rigid contacts. Could be the same if you get kicked in RW or have a bad landing.

if you wear rigid contact lenses, please be very careful and consider a full face helmet.

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On another note, I've had hella stories regarding goggles, and, not the last jump, but a few back, I ended up losing one right around 7k and it sucked, I pulled on time.....


It sucked. The cool thing? When I landed (one eye) and checked my goggles? The missing contact? Was in my goggles, too cool.....

Sucks when you lose an eye.


It's a gas, gas, gas...

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i also wear contacts but really hate goggles...is it possible to freefly in a fullface?

I do. I used to lose my contacts all the time.and I couldn't sit(really bad) or head down(not as bad) and have my lens go popout of my eyes.
My A3 Oxygn helmet works well for all of that.
I have to work on heads down if I want to try the Speed diving Comp in Aug.
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