
You know you're a skydiver when.....

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Have been there done that except I worked at the DZ full time 5 days a week, on my day off washed airplanes, the bathrooms, campers, whatever I could to earn tickets and then Day #7 was spent at the DZ burning those precious tickets.

But I was just thinking about that: "You know you're a skydiver when ..." it is cloudy and you're driving down the freeway and you see a "hole" and think, we could jump through that. (Doesn't matter where the hole is located or what it's over ... just that we could jump through it ;))
Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires."

Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."

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You try to permenently move the "herd" 1,500 miles for the jumping.
:)THey will come after we establish PERMENANT residency=block house, not rental/trailer.;);)
This my take 12-20 months to do but, I planted the seed last year and she just said "You are right! We gotta move!":):)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Your completely sexless

But the thought of spending a weekend looking for someone to lay.....

Takes away time from being at the dropzone.

Yes, sick, I know, but it's where I'm at, the sky has become my mistress.

I'm sure it can't last too long, can it?

happy to be here on planet earth where gravity provides more entertainment than I could've ever imagined...
It's a gas, gas, gas...

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On the way home from the DZ, billboard for Weight-loss center reads:

"Discover the thrills of downsizing"

It think:

"Tell me about it."

"Wait a second, was that a billboard about canopy size??"

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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