
I want to break something

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I'm doing a website for a local business. Flash intro (they requested it), nice layout, the works.

I've been having an ongoing problem with my ram going bad, but I've ignored it, since it doesn't effect me too often.

Well, guess what?

If you have Macromedia Flash MX, Adobe Photoshop, 7 IE windows, 6 notepads, Winamp and Winblows Media Player open, you WILL hit the bad sector of ram and you WILL loose the past hour's worth of work!

Fuck it, I'm telling them it'll be after the weekend now, I'm pissed, I'm going outside for a smoke.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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If you have Macromedia Flash MX, Adobe Photoshop, 7 IE windows, 6 notepads, Winamp and Winblows Media Player open, you WILL hit the bad sector of ram

...... Ummmm, yes:o:P Of course that would happen...:(

[wisper]What the hell is he talking about[wisper] [confused]...

JK... Hang in there Aggie..

Once the plane takes off, you're gonna have to land - Might as well jump out!!

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shit. i hear you, man. i'm a designer... with all those programs and then some... and until i got my new pc i had the same problem almost every day!

if i were you, i'd find a glass bottle and a hard wall... that breaking sound is awfully satisfying at times like this. :P

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I dropped my anger into the FIDO bucket and went to the DZ. Just did a nice FF jump and had a hot swoop before the clouds rolled in, so I'm definately doing much much MUCH better.B|

I don't need any "substances" I have skydiving.B|
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I dropped my anger into the FIDO bucket and went to the DZ. Just did a nice FF jump and had a hot swoop before the clouds rolled in, so I'm definately doing much much MUCH better.B|

sweet! if only i could do the same! but it's snowing out and about zero degrees. oh, well! :P

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