
BPA membership cost

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Not sure on that either Colin. Personally, I believe it is worth investing money in the National teams, particularly if they (as ours do) are prepared to put something back into the sport with roadshows etc. But either way if the BPA is not receiving Sport’s Council funding this year, is there any need for the BPA element to increase as it was my understanding that this was a pre-requisite for Sports Council funding?

I hope that makes sense… :S


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Tell me about it. Makes it doubly hard to raise private company sponsorship, when your ditched by your own governing body.:(

Ok, Ok, I know thats harsh and any members of the competitions committee reading (who wanted to contribute) will tell you that if they'd known there was going to be a World Meet this year then they would have applied for funding. But, it still feels like someone dropped a ball. After all, even though the FAI changed it from bi to annual, other countries organising bodies are managing to find the cash.

Oops [/whinge]

HEY its only 1 more day to AGM and wild party, so I'm determined to be in a good mood.:)

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The sponsored teams get very little money from member donations. The vast majority of the funding the BPA gives to the sponsored teams comes in turn from the British Sports Council.

The BPA didn't apply to the Sports Council for funding for 2004, so whoever does compete in Croatia this year will have to be entirely self funded. Thats one of the reasons why XL and VMAX aren't competing this year.

So the money that they ask for for the teams doesn't go to them then, thieving, lying bast*rds

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Have been in the APA AGM all day. Had a very interesting discussion about the BPA insurance increase. There are still no final figures as they are waiting for a second quote to come in but we are looking at membership prices of £100.
Some figures, which I was not aware of (and straight from the horses mouth!)
approx 25% of claims come from demo teams
approx 65% of the claims involve injured students.
In about 90% of cases the matter does not go to court.
It is the BPAs intention to set up an insurance committee to look at insurance and whether premiums should be loaded either for instructors (as it is them getting taken to court by the students) by the students (who are making most of the claims) or by the demo teams (as they have an increased) risk
Question has got to be - why was this committee not set up over a year ago.

And remember ... next time you get bumped for that student or tandem - you are subsidising their insurance! B|
I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....

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this is so fucking anoying!

Why dont people take the attitude "well shit happens - i do this and know I can be hurt so if I am then its something I deal with" - instead of this bollox insurance claim shit!!!

fuck me guys! you jump from aircraft and land parachutes and sometimes it dont go to plan!!! stop with this insurance shit!!!

deal with it!!!

(mainly posted at the students who "do something xtreme" but then cry when it goes slightly wrong! - tossas!

what do you expect!!!! - it aint safe so dont expect it to be safe!!!


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this is so fucking anoying!

Why dont people take the attitude "well shit happens - i do this and know I can be hurt so if I am then its something I deal with" - instead of this bollox insurance claim shit!!!

fuck me guys! you jump from aircraft and land parachutes and sometimes it dont go to plan!!! stop with this insurance shit!!!

deal with it!!!

(mainly posted at the students who "do something xtreme" but then cry when it goes slightly wrong! - tossas!

what do you expect!!!! - it aint safe so dont expect it to be safe!!!


Havn't jumped at Perris and signed their waiver forms all 12 odd pages of them and having then read out a waiver to a camcorder, why don't they have a similar setup here and then the claims would come down to a minimum.........

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Because waiver like that are illegal in this country.

They are also pretty un-necessary in most cases. We have a principal called “volenti non fit injuria”. Ie I voluntarily accepted the risk of injury.

Non of the claims should succeed unless the instructor/centre has done something negligent to expose the student to danger. Now we know this doesn’t happen very often but we also know it does sometimes. In those instances where there has been negligence then I think its ok to sue – someone has done something wrong.

But I guarantee that most of these instances are idiots who break their ankle cos they don’t PLF properly like they were shown and then bring a claim. Simply telling these idiot claimants to piss off costs money, even if they have no hope of succeeding. This is shit annoying, but this fact is a comment on society not on skydiving, skydivers or lawyers.

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serioulsy though, i just want a decent membership card, not made out of paper.

My friend can flash his PADI cards, i want a BPA card :P
Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE
Performance Designs - Simply brilliant canopies

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Non of the claims should succeed unless the instructor/centre has done something negligent to expose the student to danger. Now we know this doesn’t happen very often but we also know it does sometimes.

I know of at least one DZ that makes students sit a written test to demonstrate that they have fully understood all the important points covered on their RAPS/AFF course before they even think about letting them jump. Any incorrect answers are then discussed between instructor and student, and both then sign to show that the student now understands the correct answer and any corrective training is also noted.

Do all/most DZs do this? If not, should they? And if an allegation of negligence were to be made, would such a document not prove that actually the student did know the important stuff but just f*cked up/chose to ignore it?!

To my mind this should almost completely get rid of negligence claims by students. And any that were made could surely (Matt?) be very easily defended.


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i thought that was part of the course? surely all DZ's give a written exam?

I'm not getting a BPA credit card :P i just signed up for another one today to transfer a balance, i dont need another one.. well... until the 0% runs out, then its move time again.
Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE
Performance Designs - Simply brilliant canopies

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serioulsy though, i just want a decent membership card, not made out of paper.

My friend can flash his PADI cardsreply]

why is that? coz he is a tossa? :P


i want a BPA card

hey why not just wear one of those skydiving T-shirts that says "hey Im a skydiver - I must be cool!" :P

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I believe this is general practice and part of the RAPS course nationwide

I thought it probably was - in which case, why are we having a problem with negligence claims????? :S I don't understand!


from what i remember those test are pretty lame............ maybe a BPA instructor can but in here?!

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