
Things that piss you off

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I'm feeling in a very pissy mood after a couple of very rough days at work and feel a need to vent. Join me if you like!

Things that pisss me off:

1. Mean people! No excuse or reason for it. If you're having a bad day, I'm sorry, but suck it up and be civil!
2. Lit cigarettes thrown out of car windows. You are the one smoking it, dirty up your own friggin car and use the ashtray!
3. People who say "we've already talked about this" or "you're reposting" on the forums. So? In the 3+ years I've lurked here...damn near everything's been talked about at least twice. Just skip the thread if you aren't interested! Duh!
4. People who won't let you merge in traffic thereby causing you to miss your exit or making you exit where you didn't want to. See #1. Quit being a$$holes. Is having one more car in front of you changing your life THAT much!?

Okay, I'm better. Join in, let it out..you'll feel better! ;)


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Sorry you are feeling pissy. [:/]

I have a LONG list of stuff that pisses me off - but if I think to much about it right now, I'll get pissy, and I don't want that. :D

I will mention that people that are mean, stupid, ignorant, selfish, and / or pretentious piss me off.
And people that abuse animals piss me off the MOST. >:( Grrrrrr

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Work stopping me from being a PW


3. People who say "we've already talked about this" or "you're reposting" on the forums. So? In the 3+ years I've lurked here...damn near everything's been talked about at least twice. Just skip the thread if you aren't interested! Duh!

Oh goodie, another one. I've been saying this for a few weeks. Thanks Pammi:)
BTW, what's a "reach around"?
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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What really pisses me of is the fucking idiots that want to shut down our airport>:(>:(>:(>:(
Now I am really pissed, if I ever see one of them I am sure I will be in jail very quickly.

We even offered to buy the damm thing, but no way, it has to be shut down.
Just because some idiots decided to build houses at the the end of the runway. They don't like the noise now so we must shut the airport down.
FUCKING IDIOTS!!! Why did you build there in the first place >:(>:(>:(>:(

It will be closed this summer, right in the middle of high season,:(:(:(

And somehow I don't feel any better for letting all this out:(:(:(

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My car taking 2 weeks to be fixed

The insurance company saying there was prior damage on the car so the car dealer lied to me so did car facts(or carfax what ever the name is).

Liars, cheaters, and people who think the world is revolving around them should be shot to make room for the nice people.

There is lots more.

But nice people really make me happy and smile they rock :)
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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BTW, what's a "reach around"?

Come here, lemme show ya' something!


I'm guessing that I want to stay away from you.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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1. Mean people! No excuse or reason for it. If you're having a bad day, I'm sorry, but suck it up and be civil!

um aren't you like in this cat just by posting this list? I mean you are having a bad day, and listing things that piss you off...making those of us who are having a good day get pissy too....thus impeding on this...um...but I am not having a good year so far...so here is my Top Ten List of Things That Piss The Goddess Off (well as of today):

10: being the DD with your own car and the drunks you are kindly getting them safely home, puke in it...
9: hoaxs...enough said
8: corking...
7: dust devils
6: Too cloudy to jump
5: Too windy to jump
4: selfish guys that only think of themselves...ie exhubby...
3: my kids that always seem to make tons of noise at just the right moment when it is really important for them to be quiet, like when you are on the phone with the court asking where your child support check is...
2: guys who know that you are a single mother and swear up and down that they know the resbonsibility of dateing one and swear that they really want to be with you, only to hear a couple months later that your problem is not theirs and no way is it fair to bring them into it, however, you never asked for anything from them other than just advice...yeah that sucks...

and then number one thing that pisses me off:

MY EXHUBBY!!!! who doesn't seem to realize that his immature and childish way not only make me suffer but really make our children suffer. I know that he wants to get back at me, but mostly it hurts the kids...by not sending money to help take care of them, by not even talking to them...which really hurts them not me....because for one they will grow up and realise that their daddy cared more about hiself than them and if not that then they will grow up and do the same to their faimlies...

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What a perfect day to pile on this topic: Let me see:

1. I could not agree more with Pammi, smokers throwing their butts EVERY and ANYWHERE.
2. Blue Skies M-F then rainy weekends.
3. Lines ANYWHERE, especially at airports
4. Call Waiting
5. Being put on hold when I am on my cell phone.

Ok that's enough for now...


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3. People who say "we've already talked about this" or "you're reposting" on the forums. So? In the 3+ years I've lurked here...damn near everything's been talked about at least twice. Just skip the thread if you aren't interested! Duh!
Oh goodie, another one. I've been saying this for a few weeks.

And i've been agreeing with you for weeks. :)

BTW, what's a "reach around"?



I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I'm guessing that I want to stay away from you.

Come 'er Mar. I'll explain it to you. No really...come 'er. It's all right......no come 'er.

I'm guessing I want to stay away from you too:o

Oh Sunny and Renee, I trust you two. What's a "reach around"?

And Sunny, I know you and I agree;) It seems to have slowed down a tad.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Sorry, you're having a CRAPPY day:( I am as well, but have decided against mentioning everything/anyhting or I could go on for freakin ever! That made me feel better though;)
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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