
Possible stolen/lost rig for sale on Craigslist Phoenix

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Here is an ad on Craigslist for what looks like a reasonable Javelin container. It is being sold by someone who knows nothing about it. Asking price $50!!!

If anyone has heard of a rig going missing in and around the Phoenix area, then this ad might be worth pursuing.

If it is genuine, pick yourself up a bargain.

Blue skies

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From: "JohnRich@dropzone.com"
To: sale-sdbhf-2145515981@craigslist.org
Sent: Thu, January 6, 2011 7:13:57 AM
Subject: Javelin Container (skydiving) - $50

What is the serial number of this Javelin rig?



Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2011 06:45:39 -0800 (PST)
From: brett shoulders
Subject: Re: Javelin Container (skydiving) - $50
To: JohnRich@dropzone.com

16891spp/ manufactured april 99


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I just had a look - it is still up there. The wording on the article is obviously not by someone familiar with skydiving as is the pricing of the rig. It is either someone who has been given this genuinely who doesn't know what it is worth, or someone who has got hold of this by some other means. If it is a lost or stolen item, it would be nice for it to go back to its' owner before it gets 'lost' again.

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So an Arizona jumper can just buy the rig. I'm sure the owner, if the rig is stolen, would be happy to pay $50 to get it back. And you'll know who to confront later if the rig is hot. In the meantime you can jump the rig. Am I missing something here?
Sometimes you eat the bear..............

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He's (apparently) pulled (or 'had pulled") the ad. That said, I've now gotten an e-mail off to him asking for pic's and more details. I will be happy to purchase this for $50, and keep everyone also fully informed/updated as well. If he responds.
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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Can you post a link? Mine still comes back when I click it, as I quoted in my above copy-n-paste.

Edit to Add: Anne - I think your browser is still displaying to you, your cached page. I just tried the link again, from even yet again another computer, and even tried re-tracing the category/menu tree, to see if I could find it that way manually. It's been pulled. I'm pretty sure.
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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Good deals go fast on craigs list.:o

I supect either the real owner went and got it or a bottom feeder bought it and might keep it or sell it on Ebay.

There still maybe a hot sheet of all the reported stolen gear and their serial numbers. Some riggers used to keep a eye out the first time they pack a rig.

"Dude where did you get this container it's been reported stolen":oB|

Stealing and buying & sell stolen gear used to be a big no no. Amost "Back in the day" pre computer I was able to track my gear from KC to Fort bragg via the grape vine.

Just gave the dude a call told him I knew he had it, who he bought it from and that he knew it was stolen when he bought it:o

He sent the gear back quickly and even paid for shipping:)

One Jump Wonder

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looks like a AZ local snatched it :)

I wonder if he paid the full $50, or talked the guy down a bit?

In reality, I'd be interested to know if he asked the seller where he go it? Maybe after he paid, and on his way out of the door, but it would have been a good question to ask.

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Now that it is in the real skydiving classifieds, it would be nice to think that the new owner has made an effort to check out whether it has been lost or stolen before putting it up for resale

I think posting this thread put it into the world of skydivers, and JohnRich was kind enough to get us the serial number. I think it's public enough, and if the buyer didn't see the rig in the stolen gear section of this website, and nobody has stepped forward to claim it as their own (just yet), I think the buyer is in the clear in terms of resale.

If it does turn out to be stolen, I think the buyer should be willing to return it to the rightful owner for just the cost of his expenses ($50 + time to pick it + plus time and costs to ship), so no more than $100.

But if it's not posted online as stolen, and nobody claims it before the seller can pass it on for a profit, then I think he's in the clear from an ethics standpoint. There are a variety of ways that a container could come into the hands of a non-jumper. It might have been left behind after a move, or come out of an unpaid storage unit. If it was a complete rig, I'd be more suspicious, but individual components are easier to understand as 'misplaced'.

Once you get past the point of needing to sell your rig to buy a another, it easy to forget all about thaty huge J1 in your closet when you have a sweet NJ or TNJ to jump every weekend.

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Now that it is in the real skydiving classifieds, it would be nice to think that the new owner has made an effort to check out whether it has been lost or stolen before putting it up for resale

I think posting this thread put it into the world of skydivers, and JohnRich was kind enough to get us the serial number. I think it's public enough, and if the buyer didn't see the rig in the stolen gear section of this website, and nobody has stepped forward to claim it as their own (just yet), I think the buyer is in the clear in terms of resale.

If it does turn out to be stolen, I think the buyer should be willing to return it to the rightful owner for just the cost of his expenses ($50 + time to pick it + plus time and costs to ship), so no more than $100.

But if it's not posted online as stolen, and nobody claims it before the seller can pass it on for a profit, then I think he's in the clear from an ethics standpoint. There are a variety of ways that a container could come into the hands of a non-jumper. It might have been left behind after a move, or come out of an unpaid storage unit. If it was a complete rig, I'd be more suspicious, but individual components are easier to understand as 'misplaced'.

Once you get past the point of needing to sell your rig to buy a another, it easy to forget all about thaty huge J1 in your closet when you have a sweet NJ or TNJ to jump every weekend.

I'll throw this into the mix....what if the real owner didn't know it was stolen? and the perp posted it on-line for sale before its theft was discovered?

I last saw my rig on Sunday when I put it in the closet. It should still be there, but I don't go checking it everyday and there is no cause to assume that it's not there (obvious signs of a B&E)

just a few things to think about.

that said, if I got that deal, and it was discovered that it was stolen, I'd like to recoup my money but more importntly, I would also do what it took to get the perp locked up for awhile. (theft of my rig here in CO would amount to a Class 4 Felony)
DS#727, DB Cooper #41, POPS #11065, SCR #13183, FA #2125, SCS #8306, HALO #309 SRA #5930

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I have no problems with someone buying this rig and re-selling it if the transaction is genuine. Free trade.

However, if I had bought this rig in these circumstances and it only had 20 jumps then I would start with the reasonable assumption that the person who ordered it from new was the owner. I have been told that it was sold by someone who started AFF and didn't finish. That information could easily be checked by contacting Sunpath with the serial number.

After a couple of quick checks and no foul play, then the new owner gets a great bargain and makes some smart money with a clear conscience.

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I am the AZ buyer of this rig. Heres the full scenario and how everything has played out. I just recieved my A license I was on az craigslist looking for gear. I came across this rig the other night and knew it was a great deal to small for me to jump but surely a deal I can make a buck on and put towards my new gear. I called the guy in the morning and he told me if I had 60 dollars I could have the rig. When I pulled up he seemed to have some knowledge of the gear and of jumping he told me he had droped out of AFF training he told me he had payed 150 for the container off of a friend and that he was just hurting for cash. I asked him where he trained and he said casa grande I know they used to do AFF but not anymore. Everything seemed ligit and the thought never crossed my mind that it was stolen gear, the guy seemed ligit and had me come to his front door step hed have to be a complete idiot if it was stolen. Anyways just to put everyone at ease I am going to call sunpath on monday and do a little reaserch if everything checks out the rig will be back for sale on tuesday. I have checked the stolen gear list and couldn't find any matches. any questions or concers/ideas email me. Thanks

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I don't think anyone thinks anything bad about for buying the rig, or intending to resell it. If anything, it's good to have it in the hands of an honest, current jumper, so if we do find out it's stolen, the owner can recover it for minimal cost.

It's only natural to be suspicious of cheap, nice gear on Craigslist. Cheap, nice gear anywhere is 'iffy', but on CL where you generally don't see skydiving stuff, it makes it look a guy is trying to pawn it off outside the normal channels where gear is bought and sold.

Check the SN with Sunpath, and if all is clear, you lucked out big time. If it really only has 20 jumps and is complete with pilot chute, reserve pilot chute and freebag, and risers, then it's worth at least $500, maybe more. You could probably do really well looking to trade it for a bigger rig that would suit your needs. It's a perfect size for a second rig, so if you can find a jumper looking to downsize from their first rig, you guys can trade and both be in business.

Whatever happens, good score.

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I deleted it until monday when I can talk to the sunpath people a verify the gear is ligit. email me at maxsongia@gmail.com to talk about purchasing or trades if everything checks out on monday it will be back for sale.

Definitely the right thing to do. There's also a stolen gear database at USPA:

"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I hope it is legit. Having said that, you should know that if you're the purchaser of stolen goods, even if you didn't know it at the time you bought it, you are required to give it back to the owner without compensation. And you've now been placed on plenty of notice that this might be stolen. That means if it is stolen, and you sell it or even give it away in the meantime, you could be held responsible. Nobody's accusing you of anything, but I urge you to tread, and act, very carefully, and very above-board.

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