
Excuse me, somebody took my babies

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With my oldest turning 15 in a couple weeks, I am slowly starting to freak out.

Geez girl...did you have the first one when you were 4?? According to your avatar, you look more like 19 or so than a full-fledged mom/adult...(cleans glasses and looks again)...yep, maybe 19-20.


"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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I did have her when i was 19......that would make me 34:o

Dear Lady,
Not trying to be flirtatious but only honest, I'd truly say that it's hard to believe that you are 34. Of course, I'm only going by your avatar but still....I'd still swear that you are a lot younger than what you claim.


"Upon seeing the shadow of a pigeon, one must resist the urge to look up."

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What a beautiful family, all with genuine, wonderful smiles.

I feel for you - I've always been something of a baby/kid lover, long before I had my own. You know - there's always someone who makes a big fuss over babies - that's me.

Well, just yesterday, my own tiny baby daughter "became a woman" (for you pervs, that means she started her period) - I almost cried. I'm so proud and amazed and happy and sad all at once.

Oh well, as Homer says, "Whatta ya gonna do?" I'm personally going to try to cherish every day.

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Are you sure you're not standing in a hole?

LOL...I had heels on, and I'm not short! He had to have been standing on his tippy-toes. Yeah, that's gotta be it.

Thanks for the nice comments, y'all. I guess you can see now why I'm tearing up at the thought of them leaving me. [:/]
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I need more babies! [:/]
I'll be right there!;)

(yes, I know I don't like my picture posted, this is a 1 time thing. I'm just there for reference on how big the kids have gotten.)

My baby will be graduating next year. At 36, I don't feel sure how it works but chances are we'll get our BS together if I can move to Fla.
p.s. yes you are younger than the OTHER Moms at the high school;)....your song:"Stacy's Mom 'got it goin' on"
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Andrea.....I'm 32 years old but I'm still my Mom's baby. She gets upset when I go a couple weeks without calling. She was VERY torn when I got my most recent job. She has gotten used to my tendencies for dangerous employment but what she hated was the fact that she couldn't call at any time like my old job. I finally had to fess up my work cell number to her. She whined and whined until she got it. :D I suspect you'll be the same way with yours.....:S

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