
Another Friday Quiz

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You are a DZO and pilot at a small Cessna DZ. You have to drop off some equipment for repair and then return home. You will take the plane. The repair shop is due east of your DZ. Your plane's cruise airspeed is 100kt. The wind forecasts for the next few days are:

Day1. Wind calm

Day 2. Outbound: headwind of 30kt, return: tailwind of 35kt

Day 3. Wind from due north at 30kt for both out and return legs.

Your time is valuable. Which day would you go if you want the quickest round trip? Which day is the slowest?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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It's 1. I'll show the relative scale of time in a sec.

Fix that

1 is fastest
2 is slowest

headwinds suck

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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'd' is the distance flying (it's in some wierd units that allows us to work in a velocity of knots instead of mph or ft/s or m/s - what can you do?)

case one:
time = d/v (first leg) + d/v (2nd leg)
= d/100 + d/100
= 0.02 d

case two: same thought
= d/(100-30) + d/(100+135)
= d(70+135)/(70*135)
= 0.0216931 d

case three: the velocity in a straight line requires crabbing to the target so v = sqrt(100^2-30^2))
v= sqrt of 9100 or about 95.39 knots
so t = d/95.39 + d/95.39
= 0.020966 d

like I said, headwinds always suck (or blow depending on which way you are facing)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Definately # 4, BEER THIRTY! Send it UPS and let them worry about having it there by 10 am tomorrow morning.

hehehe I concure, but FedEx...and ask for Mike!

edit: oh yes and whilst Mike is there picking up your repair stuff and whilst he is dropping it back off, make sure you talk him into bringing his kingair there and stuff...not only will your repairs get fixed but you will also solve the delima of a small Cessna DZ

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Yeah...definitely #2 is slowest. If you just take the average between the headwind and tailwind air speeds, it seems like 2 is faster. Except you're moving through the air. So with the headwind, you're actually travelling a longer distance through the air even though distance over the ground is the same. Since you're travelling further at the slower speed, it skewes the average for the total speed down.

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hmmm.. I think I see that... I was thinking in terms of what was the fastest overall speed therefore (mistakingly) quickest.. cool B| prof?

Although have to say the UPS option was more appealling.. next time make it some metric quizz and ban quade from the discussion ;)

Who said Kiwis can't fly?

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It's 1. I'll show the relative scale of time in a sec.

Fix that

1 is fastest
2 is slowest

headwinds suck

Absolutely. Lessons:

1. In aviation, you can never win when wind is involved.
2. Averaging speeds is trickier than it looks at first glance.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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'd' is the distance flying (it's in some wierd units that allows us to work in a velocity of knots instead of mph or ft/s or m/s - what can you do?)

nautical miles? (~6076ft) IIRC it comes from the arc length of one minute of longitude, whereas a statue mile (5280ft) originally came from "1000 paces" or something asinine like that.

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No, it's not that. A plane flies in its own airspace, and doesn't really care which way the air is moving.

Here's what it is - obviously a headwind slows down a plane. However what we forget is that by slowing down the plane, the plane has to stay aloft for a longer time to get to its destination. The plane has to stay in the headwind for longer, thus amplifying the affect.

A plane flying with a tailwind will get to its destination faster, thus spending less time in the effect of the tailwind.

Thus - a headwind of 5 knots affects the plane for a longer period of time then the same tailwind of 5 knots.

They do not balance out.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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