
Presidential Announcement on NASA TV 15:15 Eastern

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President enters . . . applause . . .
NASA Director Sean O'Keefe speaks . . .
Introduces Michael Foale from the ISS . . . he's live from space.
President speaks . . .

Talks about "great goal"
America is proud of space program
Nasa new focus
New ships to gain foothold
compares Lewis and Clark to reason we choose to explore space
Talks about spin off benifits
Talks about other Nasa programs

30 years since last set foot on Moon
Only low earth orbits since then

ISS finish by 2010
finish what we started
focus goals on ISS to long term human exposure to space flight
Shuttle to return to flights as soon as safe
retire shuttle fleet by 2010
Crew Exploration Vehicle
2008 first flights
2014 trips to Moon
Return to Moon
2008 robots
2015 Manned flights with progressively longer missions
2020 Permanent presence on Moon (Moon Base)

Humans to Mars and Beyond
Spin offs

"Human beings are headed off into the cosmos."

Inspiration to young people
Great and unifying mission for Nasa

Creation of private sector comittee
Pete Aldridge -- chariman

International involvement and cooperation
"Journey, not a race"

Current budget = $86 billion
will reallocate $11 billion
will increase in next year by $1 billion
only the beninning

23 US astronauts lost so far in human space flight -- must continue journey
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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from cnn :

• President Bush will unveil his space initiative this afternoon which includes:
• Retiring existing space shuttle program in 2010
• Launching an urgent effort to develop a new manned exploration vehicle
• A manned moon mission as soon as 2015
• Building a permanent lunar base for research
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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Do you really think this has a chance in hell of being funded? Can you say, election year hoopla.

Why not - deficits don't matter, Reagan taught us that. Borrow and spend!

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of $2.12 billion per day since September 30, 2003

Today it stands at $7.009 Trillion

It's easy to feel comfortably off when you borrow a few trillion dollars.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Pretty much a bunch of drek that will never happen. But NASA will spend the next 20 years blowing its budget on it, just because the politicians like to give pretty speeches about space and are willing to fund them for the priviliage.

I really think if anything significant is gonna happen in space in the next 50 years, it'll have to be the private industry that'll do it.

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What would we do with it?

Presumably learn how to mine, refine and produce materials on another planet.

All things required for moving beyond pretty pictures and on to commericalization. Don't get me wrong, I like pure research as much as the next guy, but there is a point at which we have to learn to make a living up there.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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>The Moon Base sounds promising though.

What would we do with it?

We could create the next big fad by shipping back and selling the Pet Moon Rock.

I think a better project would be to build the first space elevator by 2015. Make it cheap enough to get into space in the first place, and people will exploit it.

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I think a better project would be to build the first space elevator by 2015. Make it cheap enough to get into space in the first place, and people will exploit it.

I know I would exploit it - to about 14,000 ft :DB|
I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....

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I agree with John, there has never been a problem getting the money when the right person was asking for it.
I don't think they are worried about spending too much. Plus, I think the American people would support this. It's good for the American ego.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I think a better project would be to build the first space elevator by 2015. Make it cheap enough to get into space in the first place, and people will exploit it.

I know I would exploit it - to about 14,000 ft :DB|

Why stop at 14?? I kind of miss doing high altitude jumps, take her up to 25 n live a little!!

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What would we do with it?

Presumably learn how to mine, refine and produce materials on another planet.

All things required for moving beyond pretty pictures and on to commericalization. Don't get me wrong, I like pure research as much as the next guy, but there is a point at which we have to learn to make a living up there.

You know, I wonder if we can get some good research going on things like antimatter up there. Think about a screw up messing with anti-matter at, say, Lawrence Livermore. Say goodbye to the Bay Area.

Maybe the moon would be a good place to do research on some truly dangerous stuff. Then again, I am no scientist.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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