
Packing Rates

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I've been a packer for 3 years now and have met a lot of other packers in my small traveling adventures (boogies and whatnot). I'm taking a poll to see what the going rate is for pack-jobs throughout the country. What do you and/or your dropzone charge for:

tandem pack jobs?
student/rental pack jobs?
sport rig pack jobs?

Another question is this: if you pack for dropzone operations (i.e. tandems), do you have to do a 1099 for taxes as an independent contractor, or are you considered an employee and the dropzone witholds taxes/social security? If you free-lance, do you have to pay the dropzone a concession fee?

Thanks for the info!
"I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me

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I am not a packer, but I know that the packers at Elsinore who do my roommates rig charge $5.

Can't answer your other questions tho. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Nope, she's going to want the humping puppy instead of the puzzle.

Stacy, Kristi had a good idea, post this in General Skydiving also, and it won't get lost.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I've found at three different DZ's (the only ones I have jumped at) pretty much charge $5.00 across the line for sport rigs. I do most of my packing, but if I use a packer....I'll pay between $8.00 and $10.00 for a pack job.........it's doing me a favor and I believe if you look out for your packers, they will look out for you. ;)

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I started jumping in 1996, sport pack rate was $5
I jumped this weekend, sport pack rate was $5

Jump tickets go up.
Tan/Aff prices go up.

Can anyone say..."selective inflation?"

I have to admit, I pack my chute 99.9% of the time, and it takes the same expenditure out of me throughout the years, but the cost of a Gatorade to replenish me has gone up in the meantime...what in de hell is goin on???

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its 5.50 at zhills for a pack job, but its worth it..they do a good job and are quite professional about things.
at home here inRichmond it is $5 for regular and $10 for tandem
tax forms are needed if you are paid by check and make over $600 from them. Cash is cash and doesnt really get recored :)
Blue Skies!
Mary B
Sandillas Rodriguez
Muff Brother #2959 TF #77

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Well, where I jump jump tickets are still $15 ($13 block) and tandems are still $100, same as 10 years ago. Pack jobs are still $5 -- the only change is that now you are "expected" to stow your brakes and unstow your slider.


I started jumping in 1996, sport pack rate was $5
I jumped this weekend, sport pack rate was $5

Jump tickets go up.
Tan/Aff prices go up.

Can anyone say..."selective inflation?"

I have to admit, I pack my chute 99.9% of the time, and it takes the same expenditure out of me throughout the years, but the cost of a Gatorade to replenish me has gone up in the meantime...what in de hell is goin on???

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sport and student rigs - $5
tandems - $10
in virginia (adrenaline air sports) i didn't worry about taxes, but over the summer when i packed for the knights in raeford everything went through tony and he took out taxes...

i think at skydive orange in virginia they get $8 for sport rigs and $18 for tandems. and yeah, i noticed the $5.50 at zhills, and i was wondering if they have to pay the rigger 50 cents for "supervising" or something?

to all the people who tip their packers, YOU ROCK! it makes my day when i get tips... i feel like i can buy myself a little present instead of having to save everything like usual... :)

sky, fallatio #8, infructose #3, bumpy brother

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pack jobs are 5 bucks at my dz and it's notreally buy a "profesional" packer just whome ever you can con into packing your rig and you feel comforatable. the dz employees get 10 for a tandem and 5 i think for a stdent rig.

and this talk of a tax for and such gets me to thinking aboutthe money i made shooting video this year.. have to ask the dzo if he reported me as making money there or if i can think of it as "under the table" think i will problyhave to claim it though as i was paid by check from him....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Up here it's five bones for sport and student rigs, and ten for tandems - Plus tips. My daughter packs for me and I put the money towards tunnel time for her or on her account, so she can use it to pay for her AFF in the spring, etc.

You get five bucks off rental of student gear if you re-pack it yourself. Otherwise the club pays one of the regular packers. Most packers are paid cash or the $$ goes onto account, the only time taxes are taken out is if you pull money off your account instead of jumping it off.

Easy Does It

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All of the info is great, but I'm still curious as to whether the majority of dropzone operations packers (i.e. tandem packers) HAVE to pay taxes on a 1099 regardless on if they take out a paycheck or not. If this is the case then figure taxes will be around 20%, which makes the profit on student rigs only $4 and only $8 on tandems...give or take a little depending on the individual state tax. :S
"I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me

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Just remember for you 1099 peeps. Get enough deductions and you can offset some of that money. for packers, i can think of a few.

Rigger Kits
Packing Tools
The occasional jump to test your pack job to ensure a professional opening!!!
Gas to and from work ... ALL year.
% of car maintence, keep track of those miles
Music, CD's
Gatorade (it adds up)

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i am a packer at my home dz and i get $5 for a sport rig and a student rig and $10 for the tandems. Then theres one guy that i pack for on a regular basis who takes me out to breakfast on sat and sunday for two pack jobs and anything over two he pays me for or buys me lunch. Tips are definately appreciated by those who give them out.

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