
What makes you smile?

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My children
My music
Most of the people on this forum (some make me smile bigger than others though...)
My friends IRL
Thinking back on the past and realizing how inconsequential a lot of shit I took way too seriously was...;):P

...and boobies. ;) well, they do!!! :)

Yeah, it's fine, we'll walk down the line. Leave our rain, a cold trade for warm sunshine
You my friend, I will defend... and if we change, well, I love you anyway

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there are a lot of things that make me smile....

*thinking about sweet things my man says or does.... and how lucky i am to have him....

*an 'enthusiastic' email or pm from melstarr...

*thinking about something i'm looking forward to - like a ski trip i have coming up with friends and the mardi gras boogie...B|

*my dog - and here is where i'll tell you a little story. my dog niko, is really smart. he's 11 now - but still sharp as can be. i've taught him a bunch of tricks over the years - one of which is 'beg'. niko is almost never bad. but if he senses you are upset or mad at him at all, he will walk in front of you and assume the 'beg' position and hold it until you come around. if you turn away from him, he will walk around you to get in front of you and assume the beg position again. he never fails to make me smile. :)

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Seeing other people smile, makes me smile. Being a pilot, I get to see the good and bad in people in airports. There is nothing like seeing the joy in passengers faces when they greet a loved one after a long absence. It's a very cool part of my gig.
-There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.

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Thoughts of encouraging people to live thier dreams. Life is to short to sit and wait for what you want to come to you. Most people don't even know what they want. In that case I say do it all until you know what you want.

Life doesn't have to be perfect in order to be beautiful!

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flying the airplane.
a standup landing.
seeing the look on the face of tandem jumpers when they land ... after a first jump.
seeing the canopies open all over the sky.
seeing my girls all giggly with their boyfriends.
everything my cats do.

earthbound misfit

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* A baby's smile
* Kids running to greet you at the door and throwing themselves at you while screaming their delight at seeing you again
* Having someone genuinely appreciate me or something I've done
* A beautiful sunset
* A warm shower on a cold day


Blue skies and happy landings!

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- When my dog comes up to me with her toy, wanting me to play with her.

- The warmth of the sun on my face.

- Hearing a certain voice on the phone.

- Hearing my son talk about his passion, flying.

- Hearing about a friend's success.

- A cold beer at the end of a long day.

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