
Tanja Dexters - the Hottest Skychick I've NEVER met

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I would be interesting in hearing anyone's stories with long hair. My ponytail goes down to the middle of my back and I really don't do anything with it.

It's not like I didn't think about it. I just figure that everything will be past my hair too quick for there to be a problem. Although, I guess it couldn't hurt to make sure everything's all tucked in.


my hair is about 6 inches from my waist, used to be to it. all i do is put many ponytail holders in it all the way down and tuck it in my shirt. once in a while, freak occourence and it comes out and whips around. no biggie. funny tho, sometimes people will think my bridle came out or something. once it did get caught on opening on the velcro on the risers for my toggles, just a little pulling, didnt hurt bad.

HK MP5SD.........silence is golden

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My hair has come out numerous times in freefall. I try to get it into a tight bun because it is a complete pita to comb out if it comes out. I spent an hour in the tub with conditioner getting it out one time when it came out twice in one day. ugh.

She's a pretty girl. Too bad she feels the need to degrade herself by appearing in Playboy. jmo. Sorry she stopped jumping. :(


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Too bad she feels the need to degrade herself by appearing in Playboy
Too bad you're degrading yourself by judging the choices and actions of others.

Angela is not "degrading" herself by stating her opinion. YOU are judging Angela, who judged a woman who poses for porn. Why is Angela's judgement any worse than yours? There is no black and white here. Everyone judges each other on some level. Angela even stated that her statement was jmo (just my [her] opinion). Personally, I think that it's just as wrong to judge Angela for stating her beliefs.

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Why is Angela's judgement any worse than yours? There is no black and white here. Everyone judges each other on some level.

Thankyou! You actually (almost) got my point.

My point wasn't to actually judge Angela, it was to prove a point to her, that opinions dealing with something like this is just that, opinion and that making a remark against someone elses is just as bad. Thus, she was judging every guy (and girl, I know personally quite a few that do) that reads Playboy as a chauvinist, since it is "degrading to women".

See my point?
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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hey VSG,
I found this thread that you might be interested in:


Sorry Im a bit dim and cant do clickies :$

You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self.-Richard Bach

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She's a pretty girl. Too bad she feels the need to degrade herself by appearing in Playboy. jmo.


What exactly is it that makes apearing "au naturale" degrading for her?
How can one person say whether or not somthing someone else does is degrading to them. She may well have been feeling "empowered" after doing those shots.
I find it interesting that people so easily transpose how they think they would feel in a given situation and assume that it would be the same for others.
Freedom of the individual:)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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>but I was wondering about her long hair in freefall.

Amy's jumped without a helmet (she has long hair, as you saw.) It gets tangled. That's about it. I've done a lot of tandems with women with long hair, and all it ever does is whack me in the face. Cornrows are the worst.

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she thanked me for asking the question and said she would keep it tucked in her shirt or helmet from now on.

Yep. It can happen. I always braid it, and then tuck it in my shirt or jumpsuit and I wear a helmet also. You never know[:/]

By the way,...Tanjas pics are nice...The ones where she`s jumping (skydiving and BASE), ...The other ones...Well, you guys know you`ve seen better ladies than that;)

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Well, you guys know you`ve seen better ladies than that

She is quite beautiful..... just like diamonds and snow flakes....no two women are the same and should be judged individually. All that flowery stuff said...she is quite luscious...and lick....er I mean likeable. ;)

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