
Win a trip for two...donate blood!

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Hey guys,

I just got back from my usual blood donation at the San Bernardino Blood Bank, and learned something quite exciting!

For those in the U.S., if you donate blood between now and the end of the month you can win a trip for two anywhere SouthWest Airlines Flys! See: HERE

How about it. Let's see is we can fill those needs that are at a real high level right now....and perhaps win a trip to the DZ of your choice!

How about it, gang?! Then post your name here in this thread and show the world just how giving our community is. It's only an hour of your time...and you get free cookies too! :)

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Cool Lori!

cajones and I just donated last wednesday at the Red Cross in Pasadena, I remember they entered us to win something but I don't remember what it was. We did take a survey about what kind of things donors would like to receive to promote more frequent donations...

I was once called in Cincinnati to donate that day because a girl at Children's Hospital needed A-. That was pretty cool, as soon as I was done they put it in a cooler and left.

so if you're healthy, consider donating!


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Actually, this drive started on January 2nd, so you're in like flin! B|

And thanks to you and cajones for giving. I work in the medical industry and see what miracles happen when young people are given that second chance.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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so if you're healthy, consider donating!

That leasves me out right now. I get lightheaded getting blood drawn at the moment! LOLsigh.

But really, guys, go donate. It will save lives.

(And Lori, it was great seeing you on Saturday! I just wish I had more time, you know?)


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Sounds great, but many clinics and centers are against any form of donor compensation or reward since they fear it may encourage those who think their need for compensation is more important than the risk they cause to the blood supply by being less than truthful when answering screening questions.

For example, I've been deferred due to extensive time in Europe consuming beef and dairy products from the US military commissaries. Some of these products were sourced in areas since found to have cases of mad cow.

It really sucks since I used to give several times a year. I even made a "withdrawal" when I earned my nickname, and want to keep paying it back.


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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Sounds great, but many clinics and centers are against any form of donor compensation

That's why I posted the links, so people can look up which donation centers are participating.

The shortage is -very- real right now and if they're trying to boost the number of donations then that makes it a win/win solution.

Most of the time it's little items that they have as give-aways where I donate...like a real nice dark grey t-shirt with the Blood Bank's logo on the sleeve for Christmas time this year.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Its something to do with oxygen depletion in the blood I think. Its a BPA (UK version of the USPA) recommendation/regulation, I'm not sure which. I spoke to the National Blood Service about it a while back and they said that you shouldn't, the same as if you scuba dive regularly.

I used to give blood regularly but since I've been skydiving (August 2002), I've only given blood when I know I'm going to have a few months off (like now, shoulder injury).

~~~ London Skydivers ~~~

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