How do you people who survived a serious injury, get yourself back in the air?
Muenkel, in The Bonfire
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QuoteSince then I have done over 3,000 skydivers
Damn that is a bunch of skydivers there guy. How do you keep track of their names?
"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES
"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES
QuoteSince then I have done over 3,000 skydivers
Regular old horndog aren't ya, sounds like the crack of dawn isn't safe.
All that humping and pumping aught to have done wonders for your back.
QuoteIt does not matter whether you damage bone, ligaments, muscles or nerves, the key to recovery is strengthening the muscles surrounding the injury. With nerve damage, you have to perform a motion thousands of times to force other nerves to grow around the damaged nerve, so they can take over the function of the damaged nerve.
Yep, so true, so true.
The problem with tearing up ligaments and cartilage is they can take soooo much longer to heal and regenerate. As for nerves I still have nerve damage in my foot, probably will for life, no impairment just gotta live with it.
ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868
leroydb 0
the tib and fib had pieces broke, the part inbetween wasbroke also
..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...
..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...
I had a hard opening that brusied a lung and did quite a bit of soft tissue damage in my neck that still bothers me 7 months later. But it would take a Doctor saying my next jump could make me an invalid for the rest of my life if I didn't stop, to keep me out of the sky. I jump as much as my neck can tolerate and deal with it. I know the risk and I accept it. Without skydiving my wife would have to put me in a rocking chair on the back porch so I could watch the grass grow. There wouldn't be much to life without it.
My knee injury was not nearly as bad as everything I've read. Nevertheless, it was the fear of not making the next jump that got me in the air again. I knew that if I didn't do it I would be too scared to jump ever again. To me that was unacceptale and I knew I would reget it for the rest of my life. But that's juat me. Bottom line, you have to decide what you want to do and what you're comfortable with doing.. but that's just my opinion
Deuce 1
BikerBabe is hardcore. Like me.
I jumped with sprained knees (two do to stupid downsize maneuvers) and broken ankle (issues with Perris's "first down sets the pattern") and I started jumping before I was "healthy"
Whatever. When I was in sports it was called "commitment" and when I was a cop it was called "duty". Mostly it is selfish. I wanted to get back to doing something I loved. Something I did well.
You're 40 Chris. Like me. Make your decision and stick with it. Decisions should be nothing new.
I jumped with sprained knees (two do to stupid downsize maneuvers) and broken ankle (issues with Perris's "first down sets the pattern") and I started jumping before I was "healthy"
Whatever. When I was in sports it was called "commitment" and when I was a cop it was called "duty". Mostly it is selfish. I wanted to get back to doing something I loved. Something I did well.
You're 40 Chris. Like me. Make your decision and stick with it. Decisions should be nothing new.
My head recovered in about a week or two. My shoulder is just now getting back to the way it was before I got hurt. I had to lay off from exercising it for about a month. Then I went back to the gym and slowy rehab it myself. I took it day by day making the best out of it. After a while you will begin to notice yourself getting better.
I will have to agree with jeremyneas on the going to the gym. I work out everyday, and have for the past several years. Once you get hurt and then heal up, you must take your time trying to get back into the swing of things. Make the best out of each day and remember what yesterday was like.
As for getting back to skydiving . . . after I have been hurt a few times it takes me several jumps before I get comfortable in the whole process.
Back in october I had a hard landing and jammed my left hip. It hurt like a "BIG BITCH". Since I have been back jumping from that injury I have still yet to have great stand up landings!!!!
Give it time and you will get there, never leave sight of where you want to go!!!!
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