
best avatar of 2003 - step 1 - nominations

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oh come on! This thread is taking a totally chauvanistic approach..... THIS ONE, THIS ONE, THIS ONE!!!!!!!!!!

holy crap...
someone who actually read the instructions and made a contribution! - thanks! B|

taln1rigr - I know what you're doing - playing tennis at the playbo mansion! ;):P;)

everyone else - please do like sid here for now and try to contain your enthusiasm for pictures of certain people's behinds until we get to the voting stage....

I really liked turtlespeed's arm-flapping badger icon and I nominate that too, I hope he'll post it here for us....

come on people, let's see some more nominations...

soon to be gone

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Yes, The sooner the better ;)

OK, It's no "Dove" that's for sure but it's changed ... Now, can you guess what it is I'm doing?;)

Oh! Oh! I remember that pose!

It's posted here: NSFW!!!!

taln1rigr gets a nomination, as does meunkel and keith's hottie avitar's (too bad I'm straight. :P)
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Yes, The sooner the better ;)

OK, It's no "Dove" that's for sure but it's changed ... Now, can you guess what it is I'm doing?;)

Oh! Oh! I remember that pose!

It's posted here: NSFW!!!!

taln1rigr gets a nomination, as does meunkel and keith's hottie avitar's (too bad I'm straight. :P)

Have I mentioned how much I adore you Jim? ;) You remembered my pic :)... What can I say, I'm flattered. :$ I just thought the whole pic would be a bit too much for an avatar ... just a little tease seemed more fitting since everyone is subjected to it. :D
You're such a sweetie ... thanks for remembering.:)

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Yes, this year definately Dove her avitar is a guilty pleasureB|

How about an avitar of the month category though.. I'd nominate tlin1rigr for January if there was.. She's just Hot.

Hee, hee ... you make me laugh ... you were so flustered & "HOT" you couldn't quite get my name right.:P I think that's cute. :$ Thank-you.;)

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Have I mentioned how much I adore you Jim? ;) You remembered my pic :)... What can I say, I'm flattered. :$ I just thought the whole pic would be a bit too much for an avatar ... just a little tease seemed more fitting since everyone is subjected to it. :D
You're such a sweetie ... thanks for remembering.:)

I remembered it being posted. Actually, I remembered saving it on my computer. :$ I thought it would be redundant to repost it, and I did remember that you posted it to your own boobies thread (Boobies poll em and post em. ;)) so I searched for the thread and posted a link.

It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Oh! I have another nomination. I can't find the pic right now but I know its on here somewhere. And even though we all know that it wasn't her ass, Royspalything should also get a nomination for that ass pic first because it is so beautiful and second because she fooled so many people!:P

I think when Jesus said "love your enemy" he probably meant don't kill them.

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BKDice, of course. Every single one of them.
She is the shiznit. But I am biased.

a bit biased, but ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! b* is so freaking sexy-licious in her avatars ~ and so is Dovey-luv ~ but i agree with you j*... bkdice

i would also have to vote for ro* too!

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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