
Tandem Docking

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I am at a turbine dropzone. I have been in the sport for 6 years. I have a tandem master at my dz that thinks it is ok for his girlfriend with 80 jumps to go out on the camera step when he is doing a tandem and then proceed to dock with them.

what do I do? I know its wrong and no one here seems to care!

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If you really want to rat him out, contact the gear manufacturer of the tandem gear he uses. That's where the certification comes from.

I think they will share your concerns.
Dude, you are so awesome...
Can I be on your ash jump ?

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How many jumps are needed to be allowed to dock with a tandem if you are not wearing a camera or anything else requiring more jumps?

It's 300 jumps or at least a coach rating:S
The TI needs to have at least 100 tandem jumps as well. It's in the Instructor Manual in the tandem section.
My dropzone's policy is 500.

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what do I do?

You ask the internet, on your 2nd post ever, how to rat out someone, and you have 6 years in the sport?

First, ask yourself how and why it is YOUR problem and YOUR responsibility to take action. I can think of some reasons that are valid, and some that are just BS... Whatever - but you have to have some legitimate motivation to take action.

Then, go first to the TM and express your concerns. If he is positive, then move on. If he is negative, then address your concerns to his boss.

If you don't have the guts to do it face to face, then you should not do it at all. If you are worried the DZO or TM will run you from the dropzone, then you should be running anyway.

P.S. I know of one guy who, at 80 jumps, I would not have a problem (rules aside) fling with tandems because he had the skillset to outfly most people with 500 jumps... Want proof, he took a metal at an USPA competition for RW skills. So, maybe there are circumstances you are not aware of, like obscene tunnel time, and if you approach this conversation with an open mind, you will be successful.

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Who cares what the USPA thinks, the manufacturers want 500, and if I am not mistaken some go further and require a rating too.

The current industry trend is to move the authority to enforce and write regulations for Tandem from the manufactures to the USPA.

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In this case I think the USPA is sandbagging, or underestimating the experience level needed.

If a tandem gets hurt what do you think is going to be used in the lawsuit. The USPA recommendations, or the manufacturers recommendations that the jumper didn't meet. :P

When the manufacturers recommendations and ratings are done away with then I will agree with you.

"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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I know a TM who let his gf with 50 jumps jump with a tandem. She was a pretty good flyer for 50 jumps. Gf jumped out with tandem, gf got low, gf lost sight of tandem, gf DUMPED CANOPY. Luckily the canopy went right by the tandem. Could've killed 3 people there.

ciel bleu,

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I ask because I am the pilot. I am also am a jumper. I asked here because i need input. I have talked to the TI, DZO who is also the S&TA. they think it is cool. I have flown at 4 DZ's. I ussually just just fly the plane and stay out of the politics however i can see her face (the 80 jump GF) and she is so scared because she has no idea what she is doing but her BF (TI) is pushing her. The last exit they did she floated under the tandem and hit them.

I do not want anyone hurt skydiving and there are reasons that the USPA and the manufr. have set high limits, because inexperience kills.

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I ask because I am the pilot. I am also am a jumper. I asked here because i need input. I have talked to the TI, DZO who is also the S&TA. they think it is cool.

You have three choices - Leverage your position as pilot against the DZO in order to put a stop to this.

Or - Make sure that all papers are filed, 'I's are dotted and 'T's are crossed, and rigs are up to date so you are covered in case of an incident.

Or - Quit flying at the DZ

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I ask because I am the pilot. I am also am a jumper. I asked here because i need input. I have talked to the TI, DZO who is also the S&TA. they think it is cool. I have flown at 4 DZ's. I ussually just just fly the plane and stay out of the politics however i can see her face (the 80 jump GF) and she is so scared because she has no idea what she is doing but her BF (TI) is pushing her. The last exit they did she floated under the tandem and hit them.

I do not want anyone hurt skydiving and there are reasons that the USPA and the manufr. have set high limits, because inexperience kills.

Well then, you have a good point... Most people get emotionally involved without looking at the big picture. It seems you are not that type.

Remember what I said about leaving the DZ? If they are not willing to hear your opinion as the jump pilot, then don't fly their plane.

Likewise, you can always go up to the 80 jump wonder girlfriend and talk to her, so she has the balls to tell her BF no.:P

And you could take the BF out back and have a serious heart to heart...

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And IMO when it involves the life of a wuffo student, the rules are NEVER pushed aside.

If an instructor finds themself saying "It's safe enough." then it's [robably too close of a margin.

To the OP, bring it up to the DZM/DZO. Then to the S&TA. Then your RD.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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The last exit they did she floated under the tandem and hit them.


The last vidiot who did that at Pitt Meadows got banned from videoing tandems for a year.
During that year, he skydived a lot, improved his skills considerably and eventually turned out to be a decent videographer.

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"... i can see her face (the 80 jump GF) and she is so scared because she has no idea what she is doing but her BF (TI) is pushing her. "


So she knows that she is in over her head.
All she needs is a senior jumper to confirm her suspicions.
It is the idiot boyfriend who needs a slap up side the head!

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I am at a turbine dropzone. I have been in the sport for 6 years. I have a tandem master at my dz that thinks it is ok for his girlfriend with 80 jumps to go out on the camera step when he is doing a tandem and then proceed to dock with them.

what do I do? I know its wrong and no one here seems to care!

Can I ask in what way this extra person (80 jump GF)benefits the paying Tandem Passenger's experience? If this TI wants to jump with his GF, perhaps he could do it on his own time... just a thought... :|

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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I am at a turbine dropzone. I have been in the sport for 6 years. I have a tandem master at my dz that thinks it is ok for his girlfriend with 80 jumps to go out on the camera step when he is doing a tandem and then proceed to dock with them.

what do I do? I know its wrong and no one here seems to care!

Can I ask in what way this extra person (80 jump GF)benefits the paying Tandem Passenger's experience? If this TI wants to jump with his GF, perhaps he could do it on his own time... just a thought... :|

Exactly...and to take the point one step further, how much of the TI's attention is being diverted to the GF because of the circumstances.

His only priority should be the paying passenger,
...allowing another distraction to possibly interfere with that is not only unprofessional but dangerous.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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For any relative worker to accompany a tandem, the following criteria must be met:
1. Relative worker must have 500 RW skydives
2. Relative worker must be current Tandem Instructor, or AFFI.
3. Relative worker must have made at least 100 Relative Working jumps in the last year.
4. Cameramen must meet all of the above guidelines and in addition must have at least 100 camera jumps.

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