
shopping for a new canopy

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im shopping for a new canopy and im looking for imput.im looking at saber2 and saffire2.which is the better canopy and why.ihave 130 jumps and i only weigh 140 lbs. right now im flying a falcon 175 and when the winds are around 15 i land backing up.im thinking about a saber2 135.or saffire2 in the same size.im a pretty conservative canopy pilot.***whats the worst thing that can happen

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PD's are great canopies. The Sabre2 flies well, but is more ground hungry than the Safire2. The Safire2 opens like a wet dream as most Icarus canopies. Dont cheat yourself out of giving an airlocked a try before you make up your mind. The Lotus is a spectacular canopy and in my mind, out performs the other 2. I have had all three, and with everything being equal performance wise, why not get an airlocked? 0.02.

Edit to add: If you haven't jumped anything smaller than that 175 regularly, dont go as small as 135. Your just beggin for trouble. Stick with the 150 range.

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>im looking at saber2 and saffire2.

I'd recommend you try both; they are similar in performance, but many prefer the "feel" of one (toggle pressure, opening performance etc) over the other. I've put ~600 jumps on a smaller Safire2 (actually a converted Safire 1) and am happy with it. One advantage the Safire2 has is Vectran lines, which will hold their trim (and thus the canopy's performance) for longer.

I would also strongly recommend you try the Pilot. It is better behaved than either the Sabre2 or Safire2 in terms of openings, and lands about as well. It doesn't swoop as well (very short recovery arc) but it does an excellent job of landing you safely.

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I've flown the Safire 2 and the Aerodyne Pilot (both 150s, and recommend you check out the Pilot too) and can tell you they're both outstanding canopies.

As for downsizing, talk with those that know how you jump and get direct/real/live input. Going from a F111/175 to a ZP/135 is a huge jump, in size, and type of canopy.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I currently jump a Spectre and I demoed the Pilot at Eloy which I loved! Definitely one to try.

Bottom line is - demo everything you think you might be interested in and seek advice from your instructors with regard to what size to buy.

Have fun with the demos!


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