
What would you do: Sex offender and your child

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Personally, although I'm not a father, I would think that showing restraint would be really really really fucking hard to do. Then again, why was that kid allowed to stay at his relative's house if someone like that was there using it as a half-way house?


Father accused of beating convicted sex offender

Sun staff writer

Gainesville man was arrested Tuesday morning after authorities said he used an ax handle to beat up a convicted sexual offender who authorities said touched his son.

Roosevelt Henry Reed, 29, just moved into a halfway house at 1580 SE 33rd St. on Monday, Alachua County Sheriff's Lt. Jim Troiano said. Reed got out of prison in July after serving a five-year sentence for lewd and lascivious acts on a child under 16, according to Department of Corrections records.

An 11-year-old boy was staying at the halfway house, which is owned and operated by the boy's relatives.

The boy woke up at about 2 a.m. Tuesday to find a man rubbing his stomach and leg, Troiano said. He screamed and another man sleeping in the room woke up and yelled at the man, who fled. Relatives called the boy's father, who found Reed walking in the 2300 block of Hawthorne Road. The man hit Reed several times with an ax handle.

Reed was treated by paramedics and then arrested on charges of battery and burglary.

The boy's father, whose name The Sun is withholding to protect the identity of the victim, was arrested on charges of aggravated battery.

Troiano said that while the father's feelings are understandable, authorities can't allow that kind of vengeancef-z.

Reed won't be allowed to return to the halfway house or to go anywhere near the boy, Troiano said. And while some sexual offenders aren't allowed near children, Reed had no such prohibition, Troiano said. Reed has served two prison sentences for lewd and lascivious acts on children.

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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And this is why I am in favor of the death penalty.

A guy like that touches my daughter and he dies - no questions - he just dies.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Abuse to a woman or a child are the lowest of the low in my book. I dont know if I would have the strength to hold back the emotions that would make me go beat the man who ever hurts my child, or my other half.

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I would of killed him and let GOD deal with me.
I have 4 kids, that is my worst fear. Some scum bad messing with my kids.

Any child molseter in my book is a dead man walking. I have no problem hurting or killing someone who messes with a child, let alone mine.

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Personally, although I'm not a father, I would think that showing restraint would be really really really fucking hard to do.

Yup. I have 2 boys.
If anyone ever molested them and I caught up with that person they would WISH that I only beat them a few times with an axe handle. More likely I'd use the other end of that tool.

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Tough call. It's tough to just let the guy go (i.e. call the cops and follow him, but don't hit him.) OTOH, is it going to be good for your kids to know their father is in jail for assault or murder? Having a murderer as a father (and therefore also only have one parent) might cause some developmental problems for an 11 year old.

It's cases like this that I think you have to decide between what feels right in your gut and what will be the best thing for your children.

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First off you are right. No way my kid goes to that house with a convicted sex offender there. Hell there is no way my child goes to a halfway house even if there are no sex offender's. As a parent my first priority must be their well being and safety.

Now let's say someone commits a sexual crime against my child, and I have three, two of them daughters. They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Well, let me tell you, they never seen the fury of this father if his child has been molested.

Everytime I see a story of a child molested and/or murdered I think about what I would do.

There is no forgiveness in my heart for this and I will break every law I have to to create as much suffering in this person as I possibly can.

I would not tell the authorities when my child identified the person. I would capture this person with my brothers and we would spend a month keeping this person alive an torturing them and let me tell you I have a very wild imagination. I have invented things that most people would never think of doing. I would video tape it and make copies and send it to the corners of the earth. Every News station and prison would get a copy and I would let every sick bastard out there know that there are fathers out there who will retaliate with a vengeance that has never yet been seen nor will be seen until Revelations comes true.

And I would gladly spend the rest of my life in prison knowing that this person will have suffered to cruelest pain imaginable and there would never be any remorse in my soul for it.

And I am not even remotely ashamed to post this.

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I'm a father - Two girls and a boy - All very beautiful and wonderful kids.

Kick the guys ass!? - Hell yes!! I'd face the judge no problem. Then let the law do the rest. He'll go to jail and from what I hear, it's not a good time for a child molester.

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the best thing to do is to make sure you can be there for your kids as they recover from the incident.

you can't do that in jail.

I dont know that the emotions would be something I could control, even though I know that feeding this guy to the inmates would be extremely satisfying. Child molesters do NOT do well in prison. But, I cant really say that I could control the instincts that would arise if I got ahold of some fucker that did something like that to my child. I just hope I never find out.

The Dude Abides.

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First, Kris is right. You would be no good to your child in jail.

Second, Dave is right. I would most likely be in jail if I were ever caught. I would not be caught however because they would never find the SOB's body.>:(

D.T. Holder

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I'm a father and I love my child very much and if some sick son of a bitch lays his hands on my kid all bets are off, the rules of society no longer apply.
I'm gonna try to kill the scumbag, period. Castration, prison, mental health facilities or whatever the bleeding hearts of the world can think of just doesn't cut the cake, these perverted scumbags need to die!

Convicted murderers, habitual violent offenders, habitual/child sex offenders and so on should just be taken out back and capped in the head, inexpensive and relatively painless.
Why should we the taxpayer pay the room and board of such scumbags?

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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One problem with taking matters into you own hands after the fact as in this case, when there is no immediate thread and the motive is clearly vengeance rather than defense, is that the law does not allow for individuals to take this action. The police will deprive you of your freedom, if only long enough to book and arraign you. If a jury decides you acted improperly, it could be years. This lack of freedom makes it difficult to protect your child in the next incident, especially if the psycho gets out before you do.

In an immediately threatening situation, I'd kill. After that, I'd do my best to get a conviction. In this case, "three strikes" would apply since he already served two sentences. Then I'd make sure his fellow inmates know what he has done, although that seems to happen on its own.

No conviction? Hmm....

On a side note, it's interesting how this thread dances the line of forum rule #2. But then it wouldn't be the first time.


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Tough call. It's tough to just let the guy go (i.e. call the cops and follow him, but don't hit him.) OTOH, is it going to be good for your kids to know their father is in jail for assault or murder? Having a murderer as a father (and therefore also only have one parent) might cause some developmental problems for an 11 year old.

It's cases like this that I think you have to decide between what feels right in your gut and what will be the best thing for your children.

Definitely agree with you here. As angry and upset as I'd be it is best left to the law to deal with and let the abuser suffer his own doings in prison with Bubba. I would do my child absolutely no good by being in prison for murder. The child is already going to be confused and upset just from being molested and with the parent in jail they would feel some sort of guilt for the parent being there even though it's not their fault.. that's just how kids are. I would not let my child carry around that burden......and you can't protect them when you are in jail.

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In truth my kids all agree with me. We just had a discussion as I asked them how my ideas made them feel.

Yes it would suck to not be there fore them for however many years I would be put away, but they also said they will sleep better knowing the guy who did this to them could never do it again because he would be dead. They would actually deal with me being in prison fine because they know I would be there because I was protecting them. And I have enough brothers that I would not fear for them while I was put away.

Of course how you think you would handle a situ and how you handle it once in it are oftentimes two different scenarios.

But for now suffice to say I think they would handle it well. And they would certainly feel safer.

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the best thing to do is to make sure you can be there for your kids as they recover from the incident.

you can't do that in jail.

feeding this guy to the inmates would be extremely satisfying. Child molesters do NOT do well in prison.

I would be there for my child.. yes, And would have to restrain myself from personally beating the man. My ultimate satisfaction would come from bringing a few cartons of cigarettes to the prison to make sure that those guys take good care of him.

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One problem with taking matters into you own hands after the fact as in this case, when there is no immediate thread and the motive is clearly vengeance rather than defense, is that the law does not allow for individuals to take this action.

To quote the great Bruce Willis in Armageddon, "It's Ok, Rock....I'm temporarily insane."

...the last time a news report got through (we usually don't have the TV on) and a child sex offender was shown, my husband made his sentiments clear to us... I won't elaborate here, but picture the worst..

Our family has personally seen how the law can fuck up the lives of young children by NOT CONVICTING a cocaine-head child abuser...
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I had a gf in high school. My first long term serious gf. We went out for 5 years. She was 15, I was 17 when we started dating. Her father had raped her repeatedly when she was 12-13. She reported him but her mother and siblings convinced her to say she made it all up because she was "ruining their family". I knew about it after she told me about a year into the relationship. Meanwhile she's still living in the house with this bastard and I'm sitting down to family meals with him. She loved him because he was her father, but hated him for what he did. I know it's a slightly different situation than a stranger....but still. There were a few times that I'd sit outside their house at night debating whether to go in and kill him. I had it planned out exactly how I would do it. But I didn't. I did get in a couple fist fights with the guy, and one time he called the cops on me. I told them why I assaulted him, and they knew why because she had reported it. One of the cops even said to me he's suprised I haven't killed him. And then they let me go.

We eventually broke up. Two years later he shot himself in the head. He lived a miserable existence and eventually died.

Bottom line is, killing him wouldn't have changed what happened. It wouldn't protect her, by that time she was big enough to protect herself and wouldn't let it happen again. But if I would have done so, it would not have helped her. And it sure as hell wouldn't have done me any good other than some personal gratification. I don't know if prison would have been worth it.

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I'm sorry Billvon, I know that you are a highly respected member of this site, but I have to disagree with you on this matter. I do not think that is the messege sean is trying to send to his children at all. I think he is telling them that he loves them so dearly, that he would give up all that he is and knows just to allow them to live with peace and freedom. Many people have died in the name of freedom. Hitler died and now we are free from him. Saddam is about to die and we will be free from him, Osama is next. I truelly agree with Chile Relleno, and sdgregory. They are so right on.-Caress
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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