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Heh heh... some of those're good, but I haven't heard many of'em bein' used by true southernors. Perhaps just a few.


If someone is really elated about something he might be "grinnin' lahk a jackass eatin' brars"

Usage: When Johnny kilt his fust deer he come up in the yard grinnin' lahk a jackass eatin' brars

If someone is running away quickly all one might see is "ass n' elbows"

Usage: Man when dem cops started a'chasin' us I looked over at Johnny and he weren't nuttin' but ass n elbows

If someone hooks a very small fish it might be said to be a "pair of eyeballs"

Usage: I asked my fishin' buddy if he needed me to git da net fer dat pair o'eyeballs.

If one is referring to the extreme high temperature of something, it could be said to be "hotter'n Georgia asphalt" (also works well when referring to the relative hotness of women)

Usage: Man, Sunday was hotter'n Georgia asphalt.
Man, Daisy Mae is hotter'n jawjuh assfault

I'm convinced the southern dialect is really nothing more than a lot of contractions strung together. Hell, we make contractions of contractions - often these nested contractions house double, triple and sometimes quadrouple negatives.

As in, "Ain't got nar'n" translation: I do not have nary a one. (note that this should probably more literally translated as, "I am not in possession of nary a one"

Many times you'll hear "fixin to" as in: I am preparing to do something. This is usually used as a form of announcement to the world and is superfluous. "Fixin' to" is the act of getting ready. But the really neat part of all of this multi-contraction-making is the outcome:

One might hear, "fiddina" (which is a contraction of "fixin' to") Similarly, one might also hear, "diddina" (the contraction of "didn't I" or "did I not") They're often used together... as when addressing a child for misbehavior, "Diddina tellya I wuz fiddina whoop yo ass??"

I reckon' dats enuff fer now.

Y'all be good now... ya heyuh?


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I'm convinced the southern dialect is really nothing more than a lot of contractions strung together. Hell, we make contractions of contractions ...

My favorite would be y'all's (possessive "you all).
USAGE: "I hope y'all's daughter gives birth before her Sweet 16."
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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My favorite would be y'all's (possessive "you all).

Can a native speaker please explain the difference between:



"all y'all"

I still can't figure that one out.

My understanding having only been down here for 6 years is "y'all" is singular - one person; "all y'all" is plural - referring to more than one person. But that's just my Damn Yankee interpretation.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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My understanding having only been down here for 6 years is "y'all" is singular - one person; "all y'all" is plural - referring to more than one person. But that's just my Damn Yankee interpretation.

It's been explained to me several times that both are plural. But there is some distinction in when they are used that escapes me, but seems to come naturally to the natives.

I also think that "y'all" can be used in the singular (where "all y'all" cannot). But I still don't understand how to differentiate between them for various plural usages.
-- Tom Aiello


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Can a native speaker please explain the difference between:
"y'all" and "all y'all"

"Y'all" means "you all" as in, "Y'all need to leave the sheep alone."

"All y'all" is when you are stressing that you aren't kidding - you mean everyone, as in "I said, all y'all need to leave those sheep alone!"
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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Damn he's shot out . .

So hungry you could eat the south end of a north bound skunk

Y'all - as few as one " hae Y'all"

y'alls - possessive " Is that Y'alls"

all y'all more than one "She said all y'all are comin over . . "

all y'alls - possessive group "Th Po-lice took all y'alls name after Billy Bob cut his leg off with that thar macheenry"
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I had a lady call in and tell me, in between shouting at her bazillion kids to quiet down, that she was "TIDE! Tee Eye Dee EE, TIDE!" meaning, I assume that she was exhausted. B|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Hotter than a two dollar pistol.

Slicker than snot through a chrome nostril.

Tighter than a frog's pussy.

Colder than a welldigger's ass in Siberia.

Slicker then snot on a handrail.

Slicker than snot on a chrome doorknob.

I'm so hungry I could eat the asshole out of a hobby horse . . . And licks its balls for desert.

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Well I'm just tryin' to think of an instance where I'd use it, though I can't exactly tell you what form of speech it would be.

The setting - One is standing among a large group of folks. Now within this group of folks there may be subgroups of folks - as in how people might stand around in smaller groups conversing at a large party. Now, suppose I invite the _entire group_ (all partygoers) to move to a different location for whatever reason. When I make this invitation, the subgroup nearest to which I'm standing would be "y'all", and the remaining partygoers would be "All y'all." When I announce my invitation to the _entire group_, the ones not immediately associated with the group nearest to which I'm standing might hesitate to act on my invitation - thinking that perhaps I did not intend that the invitation be directed toward them; rather, directed to the group nearest me. Upon noticing their hesitation I would clarify by stating, "All Y'all."


Me: "Y'all wanna go down to the creek an' go skinny dippin'?"
(group nearest me definitely realize that I mean them, but the rest of the party isn't sure)
Me again: "No, I meant ALL Y'ALL!!!"


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Boy, I'm gonna stomp a mud puddle in yore ass and walk it dry.

We also pluralize words that should be singlular. We're bad about proper nouns.
"Jesse done got her a job down at the Wal-Marts"
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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Well I'm just tryin' to think of an instance where I'd use it, though I can't exactly tell you what form of speech it would be.

The setting - One is standing among a large group of folks. Now within this group of folks there may be subgroups of folks - as in how people might stand around in smaller groups conversing at a large party. Now, suppose I invite the _entire group_ (all partygoers) to move to a different location for whatever reason. When I make this invitation, the subgroup nearest to which I'm standing would be "y'all", and the remaining partygoers would be "All y'all." When I announce my invitation to the _entire group_, the ones not immediately associated with the group nearest to which I'm standing might hesitate to act on my invitation - thinking that perhaps I did not intend that the invitation be directed toward them; rather, directed to the group nearest me. Upon noticing their hesitation I would clarify by stating, "All Y'all."


Me: "Y'all wanna go down to the creek an' go skinny dippin'?"
(group nearest me definitely realize that I mean them, but the rest of the party isn't sure)
Me again: "No, I meant ALL Y'ALL!!!"


thas purdy close. You also have to consider your tone and volume. Ifn you's to hollar "yall" then all dem folks would know, and it would be a correct usage. Usually followed by a yee-ha, or or sumthin.

others I can magin whys noone else said:

they live down the road a piece.
"they live down the road a distance farther than you would want to walk"

they live down the road a bit
pack your bags... your gonna be gone for a while.

they live in the boondocks. (also use "sticks")
you bes not show up here w/o an invitation or be family on good terms. and yea good friends are family in the south.
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Well now,

acouple of years ago (97to 99) I moved to the US and settled in Pinson, AL. For all y'all damn yankees out there, it's just a tad north of Birmingham.

After I moved back to South Africa, it took about a month before people started understanding me again ;)

After having seen "Windtalkes" about the Navaho Indians used as code talkers during WWII, Ithought it might be a lot cheaper to grab a few boys from the trailer park and make them man radios in all future wars.

Noone will have ANY idea whats being said :P

Anyways, pretty soon I hope to be down south again just to brush up on me code talking skils.
Grounded?!?!?! Whadda ya mean I'm "GROUNDED"?!?!?!?!

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Well now,

acouple of years ago (97to 99) I moved to the US and settled in Pinson, AL. For all y'all damn yankees out there, it's just a tad north of Birmingham.

After I moved back to South Africa, it took about a month before people started understanding me again ;)

After having seen "Windtalkes" about the Navaho Indians used as code talkers during WWII, Ithought it might be a lot cheaper to grab a few boys from the trailer park and make them man radios in all future wars.

Noone will have ANY idea whats being said :P

Anyways, pretty soon I hope to be down south again just to brush up on me code talking skils.

LOL! Funny thing about southerners (which I am one) is how sheltered we are..I was b4 moving to Colorado. I could honestly say that I knew of only a 2 hour radius around Mobile and that's it. Didn't get out and travel throughout my own state, much less another state. Stayed up and down the coast...so I cracked up seeing your post as I wondered "where the hell is Pinson AL?!" Would you believe that I've never been to Birmingham either? Stayed in "L.A" and didn't venture north! LOL!:P:S


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One that I actually use-If two people are discussing an issue that doesn't involve me ask my opinion, the answer is, "I ain't got a dawg in this fight." Meaning that I am not inclined to become part of an argument that I don't have a stake in.
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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