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LOL! Funny thing about southerners (which I am one) is how sheltered we are..I was b4 moving to Colorado. I could honestly say that I knew of only a 2 hour radius around Mobile and that's it. Didn't get out and travel throughout my own state, much less another state. Stayed up and down the coast...so I cracked up seeing your post as I wondered "where the hell is Pinson AL?!" Would you believe that I've never been to Birmingham either? Stayed in "L.A" and didn't venture north! LOL!

I, too, am from Mobile, AL and until I started skydiving and going to boogies, I'd only been as far west as Louisana, as far north as Tennessee, as far east as Georgia and as far south as Florida (save the one 2 week ski trip I made to Colorado in my 10th grade year in highschool). I do have family as far north as Anniston, AL and I went to college in Jacksonville, AL (just north of Anniston) before I moved back home to Mobile. Yep, that's my "neck of the woods"(another Southernism I think :P). I've lived in Florida now for 8 years and even Alabama is too cold for me ;)

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My favorite, Sebazz1 taught me this one
When you have to meet someone you dislike, you tell him, "I wouldnt piss in your ass if your guts were on fire"!!!!!

When you see something cool, or when a presumed pain in the ass goes much easier than anticipated, the correct terminology is" slicker than greased owlshit"

When talking to your buddys about girls, the correct and tastefull way of comparing would be "built like a brick shithouse" and "hotter than a 2 dollar pistol after a gunfight"

When talking about the weather in the coffee shops with the old krodgers The correct terminology is "hotter than two ratts fucking in a woolsack" or "Colder than a well diggers ass"

I hope this shed some light on the subject as it does take some time to get to know the native language when you visit the south.

"when I die, I want to go like my grandfather while im sleeping, not like the passengers riding in the car with me
A.S.S. #6 Future T.S.S holder

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Having grown up in the mountains of NC, I have a double dose of Southern. Here are a few of my favorites:

Colder than a Mother In-laws love.

Hornier than a two peckered goat in the sheep herd.

Hotter than a match.

They're so ugly my butt would make them a Sunday face.

Deader than 4 o'clock.

He's so dumb he don't know if he's winding his ass or scratching his watch.

He: Hey babe, I shore would like a little pussy.
She: Me too, mine's bigger than a bucket.

If that's true, my ass is a book binding machine.

Hey man, gotta match? Yep, your breath and a bull fart.

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