
Tunnel Sex Anyone?

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Ok, I got this thought last nite. Probably not original either, but had to ask.

I've never been in a Tunnel yet.

Can't wait.

Anyone here, or anywhere that anyone heard of, rent the tunnel, and get in any creative free flying?

In addition, is the "air" chilly, or warm? Could affect the overall quality of the "dive"...


The possiblities, seem interesting too me.



in a tunnel, with video, music....yeah...
It's a gas, gas, gas...

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Think of some good ideas- quick!
I'm going in a few weeks and I'll see if any of them can be pulled off;)

One big difference- in the sky what are the chances anyone is gonna see you? In the tunnel- everyone will see you- kinda like a snowglobe.

It's always worth a try!
Blue skies and SAFE landings!

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We Need Expert FreeFly Coaches to chime in on this and give us formation tips!

You know, good, stable (lol - using this term loosely of course) positions that promote good flying technique!

I expected much more input, however, it just doesn't seem to interest the masses. Odd, I would've assumed different.


It's a gas, gas, gas...

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Nope, but you are correct, bugs ick, I agree!

The Ass posts, yeah, well, my apologies, but it was truly "humor",

regarding "get some" yeah, my bad there as well....

The wind tunnel question Vanilla sky girl, was a serious one though, if not funny, my assumptions, were someones tried it?

btw: the offensive pm, was in a drunken stupor, which, doesn't happen that often.. may have too many times within the last few months though drunkenness was a factor. I thought we worked that out, however, thanks for beating the shit out of me in public.

But Truly? I've just lost my family, so loneliness can contribute.

Also? Well, everyone here has a great sense of humor, and MANY MANY MANY posts seem to have been way more offensive than mine...

Desperation? Damn, I'm also sorry you feel that way. I didn't think that.

Again, my bad. I didn't know that I looked like a total idiot.

now I do,

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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I thought we worked that out, however, thanks for beating the shit out of me in public.

Well said.


Again, my bad. I didn't know that I looked like a total idiot.

now I do,

No you don't man. Say what you want when you want on the public forum as long as you don't break any of the rules of the forums. It is like ratings on tv shows, if you don't like what you see, don't freaking look.B|


Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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Sorry JJF, I'm overly sensitve and offend easily.

OK, the wind tunnel is too loud for any music to be heard. It's too cold in the winter, for damn sure!!! It's very dirty with bugs and all. It can be much more violent with sudden changes/drops in wind pressure. Sex in there doesn't sound too comfortable or like too much fun.

I'm sorry that you are lonely, and not you are not an idiot. I'm just moody right now as I'm really sick and in pain. I've edited, and I'm sending you a huge cyber hug. :)Friends? ROSA

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I would think that having sex with so much wind would be problematic. Personal experience has shown that a simple fan can do a really good job of drying things up. Definitely a mood killer. It would seem possible to use an oil based lubricant, but that can cause certain other problems.


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Oh yes it has been done!
Hard to maintain but none the less interesting!

When, where, how and did SHE enjoy it?

I'm with Rosa on this one. I don't believe it's happened. I've been in the tunnel a number of times, and find it hard to believe that you can have sex in there. I have friends that work/own SkyVenture, and I think they would have told me if that had happened.

Hey, The111, if you really believe Tom Cruise had sex in the tunnel, I got some swamp land I want to sell.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I'm with Rosa on this one. I don't believe it's happened. I've been in the tunnel a number of times, and find it hard to believe that you can have sex in there. I have friends that work/own SkyVenture, and I think they would have told me if that had happened.

Skyventure isn't the only place with a good tunnel. If I remember correctly, Dali used to be a Golden Knight and had access to the tunnel at Fort Bragg.B|
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Sorry, once you've been in a real tunnel like SkyVenture makes, all other tunnels seem to not exist.
BTW, Isn't Fort Bragg a military tunnel? How can civilians like Tom Cruise "rent" time in a government owned facility? I didn't think the military was into renting tunnel time ;)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Sorry, once you've been in a real tunnel like SkyVenture makes, all other tunnels seem to not exist.
BTW, Isn't Fort Bragg a military tunnel? How can civilians like Tom Cruise "rent" time in a government owned facility? I didn't think the military was into renting tunnel time ;)

I think they would allow Cruise in if he really wanted to. Money Talks...LOUD


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