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kleggo 145
QuoteReflex had a dual reserve pilot chute arrangement called the "catapult".
I seem to remember being told that the manufacturer allowed the second PC to be removed if the owner desired.
i liked my CFlex very much.
It was by far the most comfortable rig i've owned.
the reserve container was a sweet design that was "rigger friendly"
i liked the external reserver PC.
i removed the catapult and never used it.
I'm in need of a free bag for the reflex 2 that is what I jump and have been jumping it since I had 20 jumps and I've got 83 total and I love it I had a bag lock today and had to deploy my reserve the bag lock was my fault not the equipment but I need a new free bag for one that fits a raven 181 that is what mine came with
No not a gimmick, I almost went in due to both main and reserve pilot chutes becoming entangled. That's when I came up with the idea for the Catapult.
As faras extraction forces go the Catapult has no effect to that end.It was discovered during testing tthat once the primary p/c was under load and moving away from the jumper, the secondary p/c did not have time to accelerate and provide any additional force. The Catapult is located about 3' from the bag and the overall bridle length is around 15'.
Oh and we were not "sued out of business", the equipment market was in a deep slump back then. There were no winners in the law suit, no money changed hands but we all lost somthing, a friend. Our leagal bills to successfully fight the suit were quite large, there is no liability insurance in this business.
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