
Sexiest Parts... "It's Just an Ass?" WTF???

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This above the rest must be known. Beauty is only skin deep. I like cute, but a sharp, witty mind is the sexiest thing their is.

Sexy is a "behavior". Confidence is alluring as hell, as well as independence. I want a woman who can stand on her own two feet and has a heart of fire.

She has to have a well rounded life, be adventurous and up for anything that expands lifes experience.

Amen to the skychick comment as well.

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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I love her smile and her little giggle but umm.....as for physical? I think everything about a woman is beautiful.
For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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Well Kai dude! I haven't met her face to face, yet...

You've seen her ass here though, in a few different poses...

Her face is even cuter, and, in honor of your post man, from the pic, it appears she has eyes that you could just crawl right inside of man. On top of that? Witty, Brilliant, Mischevious, Tough, hell yes, hell yes.


HEY! Did you jump today? Was the Leap busy? I've been gone for two weeks and it feels as if it's been YEARS!!!

I'm going out around lunch tomorrow man, I hope it gets even warmer!!! I'm hoping I can get Chris to do that next coach jump with me!

Four more jumps and I can put away the student/rental/I'm fU$king BROKE GEAR and jump my baby, she's in my room just purring!

Blue skies Kai, and if I don't see/hear from you, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Feliz Navidad, and all that other stuff too.

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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Crazy Ivan... eyes are ok but you make me sick about your boobs !!! can't you'think better about women ! We are not made of all this crazy silicons .... Well, you must be vbery desperate then !! and I don't doubt it !
Happy, healthy loving year to you, big lolo ' guy :)
So Long

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For the guys out there that actually appreciate more than just a woman's physical appearance, rock on!
For those who hear the first mention of "women" and immediately think of a part of a woman's anatomy, no matter what part, I am disappointed. Because of that shallow mentality, so many real women are alone tonight.This goes equally for women of this mentality as well.

There is so much more to a person,man or woman, than their mere physical appearance whether beautiful or not. No one person is all about physical beauty or even all intellect.Its about their whole being as a complete entity..mind,body,personality and spirit.Anything less isn't worth having at all.

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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Keep in mind though.

This post was created for "the fun of it"...

Also? I'm alone tonite, and was last nite, and the nite before! Because I'm ignorant, mean, hateful, ugly, dumb, chauvanistic?

Nope, but because what you just said. I'd rather take my time, find a girl with an incredible ass, then I'll be happy!!!


Seriously, it is about someones heart and their soul, attraction is a very "Cerebral" thing...

The rest is just icing....

This post was not about demeaning anyone, it was about naming what your favorite part is...

is all, nothing more, nothing less

Also, Amber? You are at the complete top of my "Hot SkyChicks I've never met list", and not because of your wonderful smile (in your avatar), but, more than anything, because of "who" shows through, in your posts.

We all know, there are many, that are purely "groin oriented", however, I find most are looking for something more, don't you think?

And, I'd rather be alone, than next to someone for "company", I've always needed a little more than a warm body (course if it goes much longer, well?)

Peace Amber,


It's a gas, gas, gas...

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i voted lips. eyes (blue) were not at choice so lips are my next choice. full soft kissable, lickable, suckable ......hmmm.:P
then thighs. i know thats a weird one, but i love nice strong thighs ;)
i would have to vote for a nice ass too.:$

earthbound misfit

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A WILD body is:
ANY body...with a WILD MIND at the wheel!;)
(That's what I tell the the chicks after they ask me if I still workout:))
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Nah, not weird at all!!! Very sexy, the thigh bone's connected to the "Ass" bone!!!

LOL all about the ass huh??;)

And you, my dear Cin, have "all of the above"!!!

thanks. i don't agree... but thanks.
you know, you meet all the "criteria" too ;)
peace, love and blue skies to you too :)

earthbound misfit

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This is such a difficult question to asnwer. I like thick tone legs . . . no toothpicks please. Hips that are made for giving birth . . . but well cleavage gets my motor humming too . . . Skin has to be smooth. And well eyes can melt me anyday . . .

Basically I am a big fan of God's artistic form . . . female bodies.

But most of all it is sense of humor, kindess, and sencerity that I love.:S

Those three traits in a woman and she could have none of the physical qualites mentioned and I might just fall in love:ph34r:.

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