
After all these years.....

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If you have ever seen Faber you wont wont to vision him bent over the mirror wrist flicking at 120bpm - growling at himself as he reaches vinigars!!!

whoa - not a nice thought at all!!! [:/]

ROFLMAO!!! OMG...you did not just go there!:D Wait a minute....yes you did! LOL!
"It's not just a daydream if you choose to make it your life..."

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ha ha well not at all...

hey i were young and inocent,now im just inocent:):ph34r::D

at least i dont have bad behavior on gass stations,getting spanked and getting mony for it is just WRONG:ph34r::D(intern joke)

hehehehe! the look on the tillers face when we walked outta the toilet!!! that was priceless!!!

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If you have ever seen Faber you wont wont to vision him bent over the mirror wrist flicking at 120bpm - growling at himself as he reaches vinigars!!!

whoa - not a nice thought at all!!! [:/]

ROFLMAO!!! OMG...you did not just go there!:D Wait a minute....yes you did! LOL!

easy now!! i have never "been there" - it was faber that videod me naked!!!

I hope he did not put the video on and bend over the mirror growling whislt watching it!!!! whoa!!!


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Pre-programmed? Of course, mothers help boys prepare themselves for later relationships. Mothers expect boys to spend volumes of time doing tasks of little, or no, value. This aides them as an adult.

"Honey, do you like the eggshell or bone white?" "Yes there is a difference and I want your opinion." "No you're wrong." "No that answer is wrong too." :ph34r:

LMAO!!!:D I know as a woman, I shouldn't laugh at that, but that was too funny!:D
"It's not just a daydream if you choose to make it your life..."

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ha ha i cant belive you slept naked in the same room as i splet(whith underwear),now i know why that other hotel never wanted us 3 to get a room:ph34r::D

Just sad you woke up before i had time to give you some tea in the nose while you were sleeping:ph34r::D

oh wait i dont want to dig up old storryes,there alot of new once comming just in just 1 month from nowB|

im looking for a pink hat for you:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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and im sure she means it in a way thats good to me

Yes, it was a purely innocent statement meant in only a good way.

And I just got back from feeding my son breakfast, and boy did this thread take a new turn...:$

(I'm an old hand now)
"If happy little bluebirds fly above the rainbow, why oh why can't I?"

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Yep, straight from the hamper and into the gutter!

So it really is futile to try to get guys to clean it up. :P
"If happy little bluebirds fly above the rainbow, why oh why can't I?"

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And now I know how you got the name HappyThoughts. :P

"Nobody does me better...makes me all glad I'm alone...Nobody does me half as good as me...baby, I'm the best..." Love that song. ;)

Sometimes I'm unsure what that little smiley with the tongue out means, but I'm open to suggestions. Go ahead, be suggestive. :)

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Yep, straight from the hamper and into the gutter!

So it really is futile to try to get guys to clean it up. :P

Yup!!;) I think it's hopeless!:S;)

Now I know why men think women are insane.

Definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

See...you keep trying to make us do what we are not going to do. Ergo, visa vi, what the hell was I saying?

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Yep, straight from the hamper and into the gutter!

I look at it as having goals. Spend the day in the hamper, spend the day in the gutter. What was the happy day? A little happiness makes the world a better place.

You can see the obvious connection between the hamper and evil now, can't you? :) Glad we could straighten that out. Helping mothers everywhere to keep their sons on the narrow path. Mr. Helpful. :ph34r:

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