
Is anyone else horrifically sad about not being able to go to Eloy?

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I'm sitting here at home with the bah humbugs, b/c all of the dz.commers are at Eloy jumping their asses off and having a blast, and I'm here in Marietta, GA bored out of my mind. There were several reasons I couldn't go to Eloy, including but not limited to:

1) $$$$
2) No A-license yet
3) lack of canopy skills with such a large # of jumpers
4) No rig to call my own as of yet

Is anyone else sitting at home depressed?:(

Oh, yeah, and I have no man, so x-mas is really getting on my nerves.


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Not horrifically, no...come to think of it, I'm not really sad about it at all. I wish that circumstances would have allowed for me to go, but there will be other times and other boogies. :)
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Oh, yeah, and I have no man, so x-mas is really getting on my nerves.


Wait, I just saw this part and had to backtrack a bit.

Darlin', when someone who deserves to share your life comes along, all of this moping will barely be a memory. Until then, enjoy the fact that you aren't tied to some undeserving asshead who would wind up ruining the holidays for you by passing out drunk in your bathtub and puking all over your carpeted bathroom mats. B|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Until then, enjoy the fact that you aren't tied to some undeserving asshead who would wind up ruining the holidays for you by passing out drunk in your bathtub and puking all over your carpeted bathroom mats.

Are you speaking from experience there? ;)

But it's funny that you said that, b/c my other single friend and I were talking, and we said the exact same thing. Someday we'll realize how silly all of this stressing was, but it's hard. It sucks to be alone. :( And so many of my dz.com buds being unaccessible right now is not helping.

Shimell, what are you doing that makes you "not sad at all"? :)

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Yeah, what Chris said. And what better time to make NEW DZ.com friends than when the others are having inaccessible? :P
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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In the meantime, we can wish our friends at Eloy an awesome and safe boogie.

Leave it to Chris to make me feel guilty about my post! :P;)

I, of course, wish our friends a safe, fun time in Eloy. I just wish I could be having a safe, fun time with them . . .

Or a boy . . . :P:D


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Not at all.. hell, its warmer in OHIO then it is there this weekend :D

Plus I have my own reasons, WFFC is only a short 8 months off and I need to save some money to visit FL in 3 short weeks!.

Airfare to get there was going to cost the same as an hour in the tunnel... Hmm, play in the tunnel for an hour or fly and freeze? Hard decision!
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Hey man, we were thinking of taking a Friday off and heading to Z-Hills one weekend. Where are you headed in Florida, and when exactly?
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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NO. Not at all, eloy SUCKS
i was there a little under a month in november, and although i did get my ticket and get to jump with some of the best freefliers in the world (although i can do that at home too:P) it still kinda sucked, it was cold as shit the entire time, and my teamroom was dirty as shit and everything has a layer of dusty dirt on it, and when it does rain all the dust turns to muddy shit!

but i have to say the bent prop kicks major ass and the chef there rocks! (the bent burger and the breakfast burrito were worth the entire trip)

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I'm headed to Fl Jan 11-17. Stops yet to be decided but they will probally include Lake Wales, Deland and Zhills. Sebastian is still under consideration.

This trip could be scary... The Cajun Chickens are getting reunited with a member that moved to FL over the summer. Beer will be flowing, strippers will be bought and I'm hoping to do 25-35 jumps. I need to get my Flock on!
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da Bytch said:

WFFC is only 8 months away. ;)

And britts said:

8 more months till rantoul

Then Phree said:

WFFC is only a short 8 months off

Yup, yup, and uh huh.

What dey said!

It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Alright, so I'll chill until I see if I can make it to Rantoul. But if I can't . . .

And there is always the Mardi Gras boogie, and the Pink Mafia boogie in Z-Hills . . . not quite the same, but I'm definitely looking forward to both! B|

Just, please, people, PM me if you get bored. I know I will be! ;):D


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I know how you feel. I'm not sitting in Eloy right now getting my fill of jello shots for the exact same reasons you listed.I had the $ to go, but just couldn't justify wasting it partying, freezing my ass off and not jumping. I need that $ for so many other things.I'm also single and know how it feels to be bummed out during the holidays when you have no one to share them with.

Take heart, girl. We'll survive this and hope for better days to come. Feel free to PM or drunk dial anytime.:)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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oh i'm pretty well annoyed yes...had the money, have two rigs now, but instead i'm sitting in a desert on the wrong side of the world, where all the blueskies are pretty much useless....

Eloy rocks! wish i were there....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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What the MCDUck said. Would have liked to have gone but since I had to drop out of Collegiates in Lake Wales I could not justify going to Eloy either.

Besides, like you I have too few jumps to be there. I have my A and myown rig but the thought of that many canopies in the air at once and me possibly making a mistake is just to much right now. Maybe after I break the 100 mark I might feel a little more comfortable at a big boogie like that.

I hope.:S

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