
Is anyone else horrifically sad about not being able to go to Eloy?

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no not sad at all.christmas is the biggest haliday for family get togethers.i would not even think of leaving on or around christmas to do anything. oh if ya look like your avatar you got some blind stupid redneck men in ga.***if you're on the edge ya might as well step off

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No tears being shed here over Eloy! I would love to have been able to go, but it just wasn't meant to be this year. So, I've got a little dz hopping in my future. Almost at Zhills!! Then Lake Wales, maybe. Then Pahokee, definitely. Then Sebastian, absolutely. Don't have much money, but I've got a jeep with a full tank of gas, a tent, and time. Bring on the New Year!!

Oh, and I'm single, too, chica. I've got to agree with McDuck on what he said, though. Some wisdom there...;)
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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Eh, I'd like to have been able to go, but I'm getting really really really excited about other things in my life right now. So, missing Eloy...don't mean a thing. I'll go next year/there will be other boogies.B|
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Kelly, I live here in Arizona, and I'm very sure that Eloy is NOT going anywhere. it will be here when you get all of those things that you need to jump here. We will be so glad to have you when that time comes. As for that man thing, If I were you, I would not worry so much. You are sooooo beautiful, smart and sweet, on a day very soon a really great guy is going to swoop you off your feet and treat you so right like you deserve. STOP worrying, you have no reason to. Your sky-sis-Caress:)
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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It sucks to be alone.

no it doesnt... you should look at the glass being half full and not half empty.


Shimell, what are you doing that makes you "not sad at all"?


whatever whenever. if i wasnt single i couldnt do that..... right now im nursing myself back to life. tomorow im going to do a bunch of hop & pops.


Ask Shimell, he'll tell ya-- neither.


ya neither... she still wants to be single though... she just hasnt figured that out yet

if you want i will take you out sometime after the holidays....

if you can handle me...;)

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Yes for all of your reasons Kel...

One to add? I went to the dz today to jump. Have only four jumps left (technically, if I nail all the requirements), and couldnt' jump because....


Guess what though?

We'll be at Rantoul next year for WFFC won't we?

I plan to have my B and be a jumping maniac.


It's a gas, gas, gas...

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HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


all of the dz.commers are at Eloy jumping their asses off and having a blast

Not all DZ.Commers are there. There are a bunch in Fl. That is a short drive?

I see you have 33 jumps. Why don't you have your "A"?

I am sure that if you came down to Z-Hills you would have your "A" completed in a jump or two.

This week is going to be a blast. We shall be ringing in the new year with jumps, fireworks, and a band as always. we have three otters flying!

Even if for some reason you cannot afford to jump the Party is well worth it and you will see plenty of DZ.Commers there I am positive.

If you still canot make it enjoy the New Year!!

Take Care.



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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I am sure that if you came down to Z-Hills you would have your "A" completed in a jump or two.

Well, that would involve some very interesting canopy work, as I have 4 accuracy landings left. :D

I also have to do my h-n-p, spotting, jump my own packjob, take the oral quiz, and then some of the little stuff, like reciting cloud clearance (which I can do, by the way). And "get briefing on . . .". I could probably knock it out in five jumps (if I could pick a target AWAY from the peas), but with all of the other stuff, it's probably gonna take a solid day to a day-and-a-half.

But I was thinking about going to Z-Hills this weekend. My cousin lives in Sarasota, which is closer to Z-Hilss than I am to SDA.


I have 2 days to decide.


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What are you talking about?! It's freakin' hot! I'm about to go sunbathing.B| I would go out to the dz but I'm tired as all get out from striking the tv truck after the last game of regular season last night and then only getting about 4 hours of sleep and flying home. Forcast is for mid to upper 70s (79 on Jan 1!) all week so I figured I should rest up today. What better place to take a cat nap than in a brilliant ray of warm florida sunshine?!:)

Fall in dove.

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I'm sitting here at home with the bah humbugs, b/c all of the dz.commers are at Eloy jumping their asses off and having a blast, and I'm here in Marietta, GA bored out of my mind. There were several reasons I couldn't go to Eloy, including but not limited to:

1) $$$$
2) No A-license yet
3) lack of canopy skills with such a large # of jumpers
4) No rig to call my own as of yet

Is anyone else sitting at home depressed?:(

Oh, yeah, and I have no man, so x-mas is really getting on my nerves.


I got a taste of it and now I want more.
Damn those big boogies are addictive.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Just go to Thomaston this weekend and get-er-done. I'm sure Mark'll help you out he's such a great guy like that. He's my hero. He's also gotten "Hooked on Phonics" so his spellings getting better. I told him that hot chicks don't like illiteracy. I hope I see Mark this weekend so I can bask in the glory that is Shimmel.

There is no place better on earth than Marietta, Ga. I lived there for like two years. They have a Mall, some things, and some other stuff.

Coming soon to a bowl of Wheaties near you!!

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Just go to Thomaston this weekend and get-er-done. I'm sure Mark'll help you out he's such a great guy like that. He's my hero. He's also gotten "Hooked on Phonics" so his spellings getting better. I told him that hot chicks don't like illiteracy. I hope I see Mark this weekend so I can bask in the glory that is Shimmel.

im feeling the love, all warm and fuzzy!B|

im actually considering going to thomaston this weekend... but im not sure yet... if i do it will be on sun. cause i got to work sat.

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Pretty funny Kel, but I was just reviewing and came across this...

I have exactly the same things that you have left. To a t.

Pissed me off, I didn't get one jump in December, wind, rain, blahblahblah....

Wanna Race? lol - I'll prolly lose, but I sure as hell want to get my A soon!

Missouri weather bites in Jan!


It's a gas, gas, gas...

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I wouldn't beat you to ZHills, I'm landlocked all the way up here in Misery!

You go out to ZHills you give my best to Dove!!!

Ok, that aside, did you jump today? SHIT SHIT SHIT!

I've got to wait, maybe two more weeks!!!

Howd ya do Kel? What requirement did you get out of the way.

Be safe,

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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Kelly got to the Hill last night Safe and sound around 7 Ish.

I did not catch up with her until around 10. She was enjoying herself at the bar.

She should be working on that "A" today.



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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