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All of the above advice is dead on. I'm assuming you're younger, so hopefully you have many years of skydiving ahead of you. Finish school, make some money to buy all your gear, rv's, cam equip. etc.. then cut loose in style.

Well If This money situation comes through that wont be a problem. I could potentially be able to just jump and not work. I might still want to fly video atleast for coached jumps.

But there is something for saying "what the f@#k" also.

Im not the type to let life slip me by, I would rather get paid nothing and do what I loved then work a shitty job.


Working at a dz is definitely a certain lifestyle. Just make sure it's the kind you want. I sometimes compare it to my broke college days while being in a band at the same time.

Lol, I realize living the dream is a huge lifestyle change and also a pay sacrafice. I think Im ready for that. Living that lifestyle doesn't mean that i'll make my career out of it, although I don't see why not. Not sure i'll have to anyways =D


Another thing that made this easy for me was that after my family realized I was serious, they supported me (not financially) 100%. After years of trying to get them to come to FL and do a tandem they can't wait to come to Puerto Rico and jump.

Thats great its always good to have the backing of your family. My father will not be so happy, but my mother supports me in anything I do as well as my brother and sister.


Wishin' you the best in whatever decision you make,


Thanks Chris

Thanks to all the other concerned skydivers who gave excellent advice, because the nature of my particular situation I gotta find what advice really fits.

P.S. I will be independantly wealthy not because I inherited it but because my business ventures are profitable enough to make this change as well as internet connection being the only thing needed to continue my enterprise.



Sean In Thailand

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It sounds like you have done your homework and are making a rational decision. I know that this isn't my place, But I too would like to put in my vote for you to stay in school and then go out afterwards. Think of this, you can put up with just another year or so of school and then walk out with a degree in your hand, it's said and done. If you leave now, it will be twice as hard to get that same degree later.

However, if you REALLY want to find a great place to live and Skydive.. Have you ever though about rural Kansas??? We got a 182 that flies us every weekend, what else could you want!??!
=========Shaun ==========

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We got one of those a couple of miles from the DZ. You can see it from the plane on your way to altitude. Whenever I begin to think that Kansas is lame and featureless, I just look at that Hill from our little 182 Widebody.........
=========Shaun ==========

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We got one of those a couple of miles from the DZ. You can see it from the plane on your way to altitude. Whenever I begin to think that Kansas is lame and featureless, I just look at that Hill from our little 182 Widebody.........

ask Daran about his spotting job a few weeks ago. I opened over the biggest hill out there, and paul was so far out he had to land on the other side of the river:o

and aggiedave, kansas does have hills... A lot more than you would think.

MB 3528, RB 1182

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ask Daran about his spotting job a few weeks ago. I opened over the biggest hill out there, and paul was so far out he had to land on the other side of the river

There have been a LOT of bad spots out there lately. Matt put an entire load out half mile downwind and both my jumps last weekend I opened up downwind (good job spotting guys!!!)
Paul landed on the other side of the freaking river?!?!? The rive is like a mile away!!!!! I wonder how Darin Managed that......
=========Shaun ==========

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