
Saddam captured??

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OK, I am going to get partisan on this post, despite what I said above.

Beware the major spin to come from the Dean camp. I'm sure he's working on his statement right now using a big rubber eraser. After all, if he was President, this joyous day for the Iragis would never have come.

BTW, almost every nation leader is rejoicing in this capture...including Chirac.



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Actually the US commanders have been using captured money to pay the local people for fixing the intrastructure.

I don't think they mean the captured $750,000, but the 25-mil reward for the capture of Saddam.

I think they should split it among the troops actually involved in the raid. That would be $41,666.67 for each of the 600 soldiersB|.


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Actually the US commanders have been using captured money to pay the local people for fixing the intrastructure.

...and they couldn't spare a lil'?? Ok, maybe not millions...but half their annual salary as a bonus would be nice. And hey, it doesn't need to come out of that captured $$ anyway! Not like our government doesn't have money to burn seemingly... GWB's campaign should be kickin' in! I would be if I was in charge of his campaign. :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I think they should split it among the troops actually involved in the raid. That would be $41,666.67 for each of the 600 soldiers.

Yep.. That is the right thing to do.. A Deal is a Deal.. Whether it is expected of them or not they EARNED it... They are heroes!! :)

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For all you liberals preaching all your political bullshit about oil in this thread...for once, shut the hell up.

This forum is not for the exclusive use of US citizens. Those who do not live in the US are as entitled to express their opinions here as you are.

This forum is not for the exclusive use of those who lean to the right in their political views. Those who do not agree with your point of view are as entitled to express their opinions here as you are.

Political views that do not agree with yours are not bullshit. They are opinions. Like assholes, everyone has one.

Your point would have been better made by ending your post after the second sentence.

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I don't see victory

Try opening your eye lids.. That is a good start...


There was another attack this morning on a police station shortly before they announced they caught SH. If there was a victory, that attack would not have happened. My eyes are wide open, nor are my views myopic; you should remove your blinders.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
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I think the news said there was a tip from a family member, (Whoes family I do not know.)
I agree the GI bill could sure be pumped up to make sure the Gulf Veterans are taken care of. I would like to see the troops get a cut of that $25 million. Humm we might just see Ben Landen on the news next.B|

Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...

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If there was a victory, that attack would not have happened.

I suppose you have psychic powers that you would like to share with the rest of us? Where is the rule book stating if their was a victory that wouldn't have happened?


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Do the police officers involved get the reward when they catch the wanted criminal? No, that money is not awarded. It's just like eligibility rules on the contest forms you see on the back of your COCO puffs. The troops will not see any of that reward money. It doesn't work that way. At the end of the first gulf war American troops involved were each given something like $1000.00 by the Kuwait Gov't. However, that money never made it to the soldier because that would of made us mercenaries in a sense. It's no different than gifts that are given by foreign dignitaries to US representatives at social functions. All are reported and documented and become the property of the US Gov't. As for the Kuwait compensation, soldiers involved received the Kuwait Liberation medal which has a value of something like $70 give or take as it has some gold in it. Even though we had to sign for them, many ended up in Pawn shops since the actual full size medal isn't worn on the Class A uniform.
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If Bush's goal was to remove Saddam from power, it's done. There is no reason for us there now, never was. Bring the troops home ASAP and let the Iraqis run their country.

Ok...if CPS is called to a home to investigate child abuse because these kids are out of control and showing evidence of abuse, once CPS arrests the parents and takes them to jail, do they then just 'leave them to run themselves'? Be a lil' more realistic...leaving before government is in place would create a vacuum and you'd see another tyranical government spring into power, like a hydra with it's head cut off. Another one just grows right back...we need to make sure they are on their way to the peace their people want as a country under a stable government, which would in turn create a safer world for all of the rest of us.

Edited to correct an annoying spelling error ;)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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The best part of these announcements, in my opinion, is when the Iraqi press rose to their feet, chanting "death to Saddam" and the crying in the background, says it all.

Many congratulations to our Army 4th ID, any other coalition forces involved, and express my sincerest hope for the Iraqis, who will benefit the most from this psychological victory.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
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I think a SERIOUS pay raise is in order for our troops.. Like 15-20% of a pay raise..


600 US troops armed to the teeth with the best military hardware available on the planet, find one tired old man cowering in a dirty rat-hole. Not forgetting the killing of 7,925 Iraqi civilians* (double the number of US civilians killed by non-Iraqi Al-Quaida troops 9/11) using laser-guided munitions from the safety of their fighter planes. Hmmm. It's good news for Iraq that Saddam has been captured, but better to keep things in perspective ;)

(*current minimum reported civilian deaths in Iraq)

"Into the dangerous world I leapt..." William Blake, Songs of Experience

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find one tired old man cowering in a dirty rat-hole.


using laser-guided munitions from the safety of their fighter planes.

Are you a journalist? That has to be the biggest spin of the year. If you're going to argue at least make your statements a little more factual. Many soldiers would argue your point of fighting safely from their "fighter planes".

The reward will probably go to the person who gave us the intel that pinpointed Hussein.

Great job by all of the troops and others working in Iraq.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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Not forgetting the killing of 7,925 Iraqi civilians* (double the number of US civilians killed by non-Iraqi Al-Quaida troops 9/11) using laser-guided munitions from the safety of their fighter planes. Hmmm. It's good news for Iraq that Saddam has been captured, but better to keep things in perspective ;)

(*current minimum reported civilian deaths in Iraq)

"reported" by whom?

Also, Saddam himself killed some 250,000+ of his own citizens, close to 1,000,000 Iranians, unknown number of Kuwaitis, Israelis...

Now, let's add all terror victims in Israel (whose homicide attackers' families were paid by Saddam), over the past 10 years, plus Iraqi casualties at their own hands, plus still debated connections to organized terrorists.

By some esitmates, Saddam is responsible for some 2,000,000 civilian and military deaths, mostly Muslim. But, as you said, "better to keep things in perspecitve."

It's easy to be an arm-chair quarter-back.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Thank God for SpeedRacer...somebody FINALLY put this all into skydiving perspective! :D:D:D Y'know I think I am going to have a f&ck Saddam toast tonight around 7pm Pacific time. Anyone want to join me? :)
Wherever you are, raise a glass, or bottle, or dixie cup, or whatever and say "F&CK SADDAM!" Aside from our different political views on DZ.com and around the world, I don't think ANYONE appreciated this rat-bastard.

I'm gonna!! You just let me know if anyone will be toasting too and we'll be united in happy drink for just a moment in time. :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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