
The Day I Out Shot the Sheriff (Detective)

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The Day I Out Shot the Sheriff
It was in 1983. I was 18 and lived with my parents in a house on a thousand acre cattle ranch. The house sat right on the side of a major-for-the-area two lane highway. The highway could get pretty busy.
One afternoon I was watching tv in the living room when I heard a couple of gunshots. No big deal, I thought, probably one of the ranch guys sitting in the driveway popping off squirrels. More gunshots, rapid fire. Hmmm, thinks I.
Went to the kitchen window which had a great view of the driveway and yard and saw this guy. He was wearing a western style suit and cowboy boots and was in combat stance drawing down with his handgun on something in my yard. I looked around and saw it; a skunk was lumbering along at the edge of the yard.
Now skunks are what's known as nocturnal animals; usually they don't come out during the day. If you see a skunk during the day, it's a pretty safe bet that it's a rabid skunk. Rabies is not healthy for dogs, cats, cows, people, etc., so it's a good thing to kill a skunk if you see out it during the day.
Being the ranch girl that I was, I immediately went to the gun rack and grabbed my .22 rifle. It was old, no scope and the magazine was long ago lost, so I could only put one bullet in it. I put another one in my pocket, just in case I missed with the first shot, and went out the kitchen door.
The guy in the boots saw me coming out and pointed at the back of the yard. "He's back here now. I'm out of ammo," he said. I walked over to where he was, saw the skunk, aimed and killed it with a shot to the body.
Turned out the guy was a detective with the Sheriff's department. He'd put like 18 rounds out at the skunk and missed every time. I dropped it with one shot.
A well placed shot as it turns out. The animal control guy that came to pick up the dead skunk said that the only way they can diagnose rabies is in the brain. Head shots usually take the brain out, so a body shot is the best way to kill a suspected rabid animal.
They printed a short article about it in the local weekly paper.
My aunt managed a bank in town. One day a couple years later, her bank got robbed. The detective walked up to her, introduced himself and said "You don't remember me? I'm the one your niece outshot."
So, anyway, I have no idea why I felt compelled to share that with you all. Thanks for putting up with it.
pull and flare,

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i blew the head of a copper head snake with a 410 when i was a youngin, also blew the head off a bird with a BB gun, nailed a squarl from 50yards with my Ruger 10/22 just before i moved to Cali havn't been able to shoot a gun since :(
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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.....and to think that my best shots involved nailing barbie square in forehead from about 50 meters and also knockin out G.I. JOE's kneecaps from about half that distance with a B.B.Gun.
am i the only one that use to put the old toys to rest? BTW, i was about 10 when i did this.
"i can not attest to what i did, just what i remember...."
~me, after one too many

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damn, lisa, when i was only 3 you were waging war on the skunks.....

:D:DDamn, Dave! I was stationed in Germany in 1983!
Lisa, I know what you mean. I grew up on 500 acres in LA (that's Lower Alabama) and had the task of eliminating strays, etc. Nothing like farm life..... You learn at a very early age that it sucks to piss on electric fences and that 450 pound sows can hurt you very badly if you are messing with their piglets.
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"

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