
do coaches do 2 for 1?

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That is unlikely. I wouldn't jump with two low timers together as it would increase the number of things that can go wrong to a level I would not be comfortable with. It's hard enough to concentrate on one person much less two on the same jump.

BTW, I umm only think in terms of Freeflying.:$ I wouldn't jump with two people wanting to learn to sitfly or two people wanting to learn head down flying.

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> do coaches ever do 3-ways thus allowing the 2 licensed low timers to
> get more coached jumps for thier money?

Sure. It all depends on what they are working on.

If they are working on very basic flying skills, then usually not. It's counterproductive. The two jumpers will tend to be all over the sky, and the coach will be able to fly relative to only one at a time. Indeed, "getting lost" and not being aware of the other jumper can be a serious problem.

OTOH, if they have the basic skills down and are working towards 4-way, then taking 2 jumpers up can work out well. Many player-coaches will take three beginner RW types up for 4-way practice.

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Two guys wanted to work on their swoop to dock skills last weekend.

They chased me out, I did some flips to lose more altitude than they expected, and I watched BOTH of them come in.

Kind of a speed star per se.

It was actually MORE productive because one guy struggled and he SAW the difference in speed between him and his friend. I was able to ask them, "show me your body position when you were diving." The body positions were so drastically different they were able to see how each position works for different needs (long dive vs 30 or so feet of levels)

And I could provide a nice solid base.

It was a hell of a lot of fun.

I also charged - $0. So I split that between both of them, thus saving them more money!

On more advanced stuff, I have often split a coach 3 ways (4 way group)... Then the coach (if good) sees in the sky what needs help, but also uses outside video for debrief.

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We have competitions at our DZ twice a year, 2 beginners + 1 coach + video. I think the deal is the beginners pay 1 1/4 slot, coaches 1/4 and video none, DZ pays the rest. Nice easygoing competitions with most jumpers From the start these have been a huge success with learning opertunities for all involved B|

ciel bleu,

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Two guys wanted to work on their swoop to dock skills last weekend.

They chased me out, I did some flips to lose more altitude than they expected, and I watched BOTH of them come in.

Kind of a speed star per se.

It was actually MORE productive because one guy struggled and he SAW the difference in speed between him and his friend. I was able to ask them, "show me your body position when you were diving." The body positions were so drastically different they were able to see how each position works for different needs (long dive vs 30 or so feet of levels)

And I could provide a nice solid base.

It was a hell of a lot of fun.

I also charged - $0. So I split that between both of them, thus saving them more money!

On more advanced stuff, I have often split a coach 3 ways (4 way group)... Then the coach (if good) sees in the sky what needs help, but also uses outside video for debrief.

I'm assuming your "students" were actually A license holders?
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I'd do it. I wouldn't call it a "coach jump" really - I wouldn't be charging anything to do this so it would just be another jump for me. I would make the dive-flow easy so it could be a successful skydive. I do this type of thing all the time to help low time jumpers gain some skill and confidence. It's always a great time.

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After getting a coach student through to his A license, I ALWAYS suggest that he/she find a partner at about their own experience level and concentrate on some two way drills. From there I have learned to expect these new friends to be coming to me for new drills and ideas to practice. At this point I will help them with some dirt dives and pointers, but at some point I will normally be asked to go up on coach jump with both of them. Sometimes a three way, other times I fly outside video, but coach and debrief in either case.

I have found myself briefing/debriefing and "coaching" two such low timers and an up and coming videot. All from the video of a jump I was never on.

IMO one important point to such jumps, and I any other drill, is to push, but yet keep it a level that will be successful.

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If they are two hot chick then yes. After that is done I would take each up indvidualy for coaching...:ph34r::ph34r:

When you say coaching, do you really mean fellatio?

On topic though, I would not, but I'm don't have the rating or the jumps....
Less talking, more flying.

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If they are two hot chick then yes. After that is done I would take each up indvidualy for coaching...:ph34r::ph34r:

mmmm so that is why you were offering to coach me this summer:P:P:P:P
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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...mmmm so that is why you were offering to coach me this summer:P:P:P:P

You know you have an open invitation with me in the air...now, do you remember that you were going to teach me some things on the ground?

Trade ya' - session for session.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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