
New Tandem rig from Strong

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About time...

Defiantely inspired by the Sigma, but a great leap from the old strong setup.

that satic line setup is quite neat too.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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Transcript: 2:01 - 2:09

"The other Dual-Hawk system we've had for 25 years...since 2004..26 years or so ...may be 7 years..'

Some counting problems?

So they guy slipped and mistakenly said the wrong date, you never ever done it?
Your sarcasm is really great though, high five to you for your brilliant discovery

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Transcript: 2:01 - 2:09

"The other Dual-Hawk system we've had for 25 years...since 2004..26 years or so ...may be 7 years..'

Some counting problems?

So they guy slipped and mistakenly said the wrong date, you never ever done it?
Your sarcasm is really great though, high five to you for your brilliant discovery

Folks tend to get nervous in front of a camera, and Ted is always nervous when the light is on. Easy to forgive his slip. We've edited out much worse.

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Does this system still use a three ring release for the mains as the dual hawk or did that get updated too?

What was unusual about the old version?
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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About time...

Definitely inspired by the Sigma, but a great leap from the old strong setup.

that static-line setup is quite neat too.


Inspired by the Quasar prototype that I saw at Oshkosh 1993.
Back then (1993) I suggested that Strong build a one-pin tandem reserve container.

Configuration of the "Air Anchor" RSL is not frozen, so I made a few suggestions about idiot-proofing it.

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The prototype has its drogue anchored to a 3-Ring riser, similar to the old Strong Dual Hawk, Vector 1, Vector 2, Racer, Atom, Next, Advance, etc. tandem containers.

The drogue no longer anchors to X-type back straps.
That was always a potential wear point on Strong Dual Hawks.
Instead the TI wears one set of H-type back-straps, while the drogue riser is attached (L-bar connector link) to a second set of H-type back-straps. This sounds complicated to manufacture, but packers cannot see any difference (from Dual Hawk), but it reduces bending of the container while in drouge-fall.

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