
NOW here's some interesting news -- Glass Ceiling Shattered

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"At the computer, women are just as productive as men," said Challenger. "This fact alone has opened up a world of opportunity for women and is bringing an end to outdated concepts like the glass ceiling."

YEAH!! Women are JUST as adept if not MORE adept at PW'ing than men!! Neeny nanny noo noo... thpftftftftftfft :P! Oh, wait a minute...:S
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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What the article fails to mention is the distribution and levels of management.

The information age has created a lot of lower and middle management jobs with some companies creating "salaried" positions instead of hourly (read eligible for overtime) positions.

If women fill a lot of these positions, it would look as if the glass ceiling has been shattered, when in fact it might not really mean that much when it comes to the actual salaries or balance of power.

The article is, in my opinion, an example of fairly lazy journalism.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Yep, pretty soon we'll fight for Men's Rights.

Masculinists will be frowned upon and ridiculed, including by males who've been brainwashed by women into doing so.

We gotta fight this while we can. End Women's Suffrage NOW! B|

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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Hopefully the pendulum will keep going and I can get married and sit at home all day watching tv and pretending I spent all day cleaning and stuff and lie about how much hard work it is :)

heheee! You're walking a tight rope my friend! Me too...

...Or take paid maternaty leave for a year with my position firmly protected until I decide I'm not coming back... the day before I'm suppose to come back.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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i thought it was going to be about a real glass ceiling.my wife makes more than i do and i think its great.in fact she gave me the go ahead to look for a new canopy and if i cant find what i want used she told me well you just might have to have one made for you.damn this wimmins lib!!***if you're on the edge ya might as well sep off

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