
Okay we all skydive but what other high risk activities are you into?

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hmmm... motorcycles, definitely i love racing them. i also used to race cars, but i never found that high risk, the only thing that used to worry me was the other driver. I've proven again and again that i can drive out of just about anything. *shrugs* definitely some of my scariest moments was in a car though. lol. uhhh what else.. oh i know, dating a bi-polar, OCD, (along with other issues) girl. That was definitely pretty high risk. :D:D:D

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Should I hide my head in shame?

I don't ride motorcycles...don't scuba dive, don't hanglide, don't parasail, don't surf, don't rock climb, don't hot air balloon, don't bungee...

I don't smoke, don't do drugs of any sort (I have to be REALLY sick to do even Tylenol or Sudafed), rarely drink (I've been tipsy/drunk two times in the last 7 years. actually, I've only really been drunk one time in the last 10 years, and that was a week and a half ago at my Christmas party.)

I'm a very boring married mother of three children...who happens to LOVE skydiving. B| I even get twitchy if my husband is driving the car too fast on the freeway. :$

If ya gotta love me...love me for who I am. B|

My Skydiving Page
Fly Safe - Soft Landings

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Umm lets see here.....Rock Climbing, snowboarding, ice climbing, racing cars and motorcycles, freeride mountain biking.....and umm some other stuff that I am forgeting I am sure off....here are some pics.
For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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well, motorcycles was on the list, but what about rappelling, skating, trying to learn to trick on water skis and professionally... I fight fire, my wife, though she tries, bless her heart can't lead a boring life, being this close to me:)

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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Well, years ago I wrestled bears.....definately not for the faint of heart. Trained bears can and do get pissed. Yes, I could stand one up and walk him across the ring........in my much, much younger days.

Now, for something high risk, I'll piss off my wife once and a while...........that's more extreme than anything lol.

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Where's driving in South Florida? Since I started jumping, I only scuba dive a few times a year and I've been thinking about trying kitesurfing. In the past, I have ice climbed, surfed and flown.

But, one of these days I may be brave enough to rip the tag off a mattress.

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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I boogie board around surfers with pointy end surfboards, and occasionally a kitesurfer.
This next year I will try hangliding,soaring and go for
do ultralite and glider again (used to be a ultralite student).
And get into more underwater photography scub diving.

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Have a motorbike, enjoy mountain biking, scuba qualified, have climbed mountains in South America, work with plastic explosives but the most dangerous thing I do...
is critisise my girlfriend on dropzone.com knowing that not only does she read it but she packs for me. DOH! [:/][:/]B|
I'm drunk, you're drunk, lets go back to mine....

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I drive with one hand on the wheel. Ride esculators without hanging onto the handrail. I sqeeze my toothpaste from the middle of the tube....Im out there pal.....right on the edge....Oh yeah, I've eaten peanut butter without a milk chaser....I'm nuttier than squirel turds.

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The crazy thing is I don't participate in a lot of high-risk behavior. I don't even drive fast. Somehow, I started with the big daddy of the extreme sports. But now I'm thinking of wanting to do other high up stuff like para-sailing or hand-gliding. Skydiving has poisoned me :).
"If the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girl's sports such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing." - Homer Simpson

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I regularly participate in yoga, and my friends and I like to have pencil fights!

...and this one time at band camp, I stuck a flute...

skiing, surfing, skydiving, sailing, wind-surfing, soccer, softball, cycling, skateboarding, sipa, sledding, snowball fighting (no, really), shooting...
I see a serious series of stuff that I do, and it is not adrenaline based!

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I am a motorcycle freak to. Love to rebuild old Harleys. BUT I was at the Honda dealer recently and I saw the 2004 CBR 600 RR's. I almost had an orgasm when I test road it. I took this thing of the side stand stood it up and noticed something odd. It felt balanced. So I tried an experiment. I found that balnce point again and then placed my feet on the foot pegs and that thing stayed standing for 10 minutes. It was not until I turned the handlebars did it fall. The salesman was watching me and he could not believe it.

I had to test ride this thing. They let me and Holy Smokes that thing flies. I found my next bike!;)

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If the bike is internally balanced, it will do what you said the CBR 600 did on your test drive. I had to have that on my bike (its an extra feature) because I'm only 105 lbs. and can't hold up much.

The 600 is one hell of a bike and I can't wait to test drive one after this little teaser of a post:)
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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