
Okay we all skydive but what other high risk activities are you into?

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I've been known to Run With Scissors...:D

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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moto-x has sure taken it's toll on me, but i love the sport. like they say, if it's fast enough to do something stupid on, count me in!

billy d------------------------- "Escape may be checked by water and land, but the air and the sky are free." (from the story of Daedalus and Icarus)

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We'll in the past I have tried many different things. Motorcycles, cave exploring, a little bit of parasailing, and rock climbing. Right now though, in addition to skydiving, I do push the envelope and drive without wearing a seatbelt!
"And when the prophet shall arise who appeareth as a bird then the time of the Lord draweth nigh and the flock shall rule the earth."

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You forgot casual sex in front of cameras.

;) Noice......Done well too.


Apparently, the public is gonna give that guy a medal.

I hope the next idiot that tries to kill me does it just like that. Please walk up to me in broad daylight, within arms reach, and try to pop off some shots. I won't bother drawing on you but you ARE going to look awfully funny going home with that pistol stuck up your ass! ;)

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Well, I use to drive stock cars at a local track here in Georgia, I would do that again, if I had the money. I fly airplanes, which could be described as dangerous, I guess.
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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Like some others here, street racing (bring it on JUDY!), but a track? whats a track? thats for Drag Racing (which I can no longer afford). i have been known to complete the triagle of death (alcohol, fire, and skydivers), oh and I commute 45 miles to work 5 days a week! :o
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Who's yo monkey?!


Just don't let Chuck....or Asaf, for that matter.....mix your Red Bull and Vodka... I never knew Red Bull had any color to it based on the drinks they were mixing.....THEY WERE CLEAR! Red Bull and Vodka my ass....it was all straight Vodka!



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If the bike is internally balanced, it will do what you said the CBR 600 did on your test drive. I had to have that on my bike (its an extra feature) because I'm only 105 lbs. and can't hold up much.

The 600 is one hell of a bike and I can't wait to test drive one after this little teaser of a post:)

I've only ridden the CBR series a couple times....nice bikes(the 900RR was the best, IMO)....but the GSXR was my favorite. I got to ride the Hayabusa earlier this year...HOLY SHIT! I couldn't buy one 'cuz I'd end up killing myself on it. I realized that as I shifted into 5th gear, with the tach turning a bit over 10,000rpm, and looked down at the speedometer..:S

I had a Hurricane 1000 many years ago....before they changed the name to appease the insurance companies.....awesome bike, I must say...but it got me in trouble a couple times!


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