
Earthquake in Cali?

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someone from Cambria called and said Hwy 46 has cracks and is no longer flat (he estimated 6-12" differences in height at some cracks)

Not surprising... most of that road was built on fill dirt. Parts of the road slide away after a good rain on a pretty much annual basis.

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From Drudge . . . so take it for what it's worth, but . . .


Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Said Not In Danger... [From worker: 'It was quite significant here at the plant. The office areas definitely shook and some pictures fell off the walls and was felt in the control room which declared an NUE (Notice of Unusual Event)]...

USGS presser being shown on KNBC (unfortunately I didn't catch the spokeman's name) says that there was no damage at Diablo.

Video on KNBC shows a couple of buildings in Paso Robles that have collapsed. Older brick buildings. Downtown two story stuctures. Police from Paso Robles report a few injuries and no deaths.

Spokesman for Diablo in KNBC interview says earthquake was not powerful enough to even trigger the powerplant to go offline. Powerplant stayed on-line and continues to operate normally.

KNBC has gone back to regular programming.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Just received this e-mail from a friend who lives in Grover Beach and is scheduled for a hysterectomy next month:

We now know that our cat is a great early warning system for things like earthquakes. Miss Valentine is still shaking like a leaf. I have never felt anything like it myself, and remember that I was on an upper highrise floor in San Francisco for a major quake there. This one takes the cake.

We are fine. Amazingly, nothing broke. Lots of things fell and moved around, but nothing broke, at least that we've found so far.

Email working better than phone at the moment, so thought I'd send this message.

I'm just glad this didn't happen while my surgeon was operating on me ...

Blue skies and happy landings!

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Let's Pray for the "Big One" to hit and send a million or so people packing for another country or state!!!!

Southern Cali is over crowded and the big one is the only way to reduce the population explosion.

Nick D

The key to Immortality is- first living a life worth remembering”

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I entered my feelings...I live in SLO and felt it good. There is no damage here at my facility but most people that live in North County have left to go check their homes. One employee who lives in Paso said that he had a TV fall off of the shelf and he lost a bunch of water from his pool. Another had a stack of 20 sheets of ply wood fall on his washer and dryer and caused some damage. Other than a few things falling over, I haven't heard of employees homes being damaged.
I haven't heard the confirmation of the fatality that was mentioned, but I do know that the building colloapsed in Paso. I think their were two building that sustained major damage.
I haven't felt any aftershocks here in San Luis Obispo, but I expect that their will be some activity over the next week.

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Southern Cali is over crowded and the big one is the only way to reduce the population explosion.

Hardy true. I can think of several ways to reduce the population. Very few involve natural disasters.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Heard it, felt some of it here at LAX. The building is on springs, so I was feeling a lot of that too. :S the www.usgs.gov site has a lot of info too.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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I'm not talking about Birth control

I'm talking about the explosion of new homes and such.
Pasadena alone is currently building 2 Apartment complexes each with over 400 apartments. and has finished several new ones totaling over a thousand.
Look at the new Housing tracks in the communities near Perris? How long do you think it will be before the homes south (or is it southwest ) of the runway start complaining to the city /county about the noise of the new DC9

And if your thinking about closing the borders... I'm all for that too.


Nick D

The key to Immortality is- first living a life worth remembering”

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...Hwy 46 has cracks and is no longer flat...

It's been that way for years...

I just got my folks on the phone. Broken glass in windows, some things falling off walls, but no structural damage. Everyone sounds pretty much ok in Atascadero, anyway.
-- Tom Aiello


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We felt it in Cupertino. Seemed to last 12-20 seconds.

It hit hard in Paso Robles. Steph couldn't get through to her parents. Heard from a family friend that it took out the old clock/bell tower in PRB. Steph finally heard from her mom and their house is intact structurally, but the contents are trashed. Everything came down, including the 30-something inch TV her dad was watching. Firetrucks running around, but unclear if that's patrol/survey/damage assessment or in response to a known fire or gas leak or what.

Mom-in-law needs to go check out their rental properties.

They're OK, but lots of dishes, jars, and her mom's entire coffee mug collection. Don't know about the cat. Ours slept through it, and Kira uttered her first words "What the fuck was that, daddy?"


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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Didn't feel a thing where I work in San Bernardino.

Or, perhaps, we were just too busy to notice something like this. We've just gotten over the fires that surrounded us! :S

Now, the "San Francisco" earthquake....THAT shook the entire pool with seismic waves back in 1989!


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Two fatalities, maybe a third. Very sad.

From an ATC standpoint, Santa Barbara Approach had power and intercom failures. Santa Maria airport has some damage, no confirmation as to the severity. They recovered, and as of tonight are running normal ops.

My thoughts, hopes, and prayers to everyone impacted by this earthquake.

Bob Marks

"-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman

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Still shakin out on the coast. Just picked up the local paper and saw 2 died yesterday. Didnt know that til now[:/]

The Dude Abides.

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